Chapter 5

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Armando's POV

I woke up around 10 am to my babygirl shifting in her sleep. I glanced down at her and gushed over how beautiful she looked. Her little arms were wrapped around my neck, tightly, her face was laying on the pillow next to mine with her long thick eyelashes lightly brushing against her cheekbones, her mouth was slightly apart and her black curly hair was all over the place.

This girl is fucking cute.

After a couple more minutes admiring her, my wife woke up beside Amara and smiled at the sight of us then immediately cuddled up to the other side of Amara. Mara then placed her head on Gabriela's chest while Gabriela played with her hair.

Several minutes later, Amara yawned and slowly opened her eyes. She looked up from where she was laying and cuddled up to her mother even more.

'You okay baby?'
Gabriela asked her daughter, still twirling her hair.

Amara mumbled, still tired.

She then turned over and noticed me staring at her. She hurriedly put her face into my neck while i rubbed her back soothingly.

'Did you sleep better in here little one?'
I also questioned her.

Amara groaned, not wanting to talk.

Amara was slowly falling back to sleep, again, when.....

Someone in the house screamed, and running towards Gabriela's and Armando's bedroom.

The door burst open and there stood Angelo, who visibly relaxed. Angelo climbed onto the bed and in between Amara and Gabriela.

'Twinny i thought something happened to you.'
Angelo said worried.

Yep definitely another Marco.

'Lolo i'm okay'
Amara muttered quietly, still tired as Angelo stroked her hair.

'Where did you go Mara. You scared me. I woke up and you was gone but the weird thing is when i went to sleep you was laying right beside me, in fact you went to sleep before me then i woke up this morning and you was gone and i got worried because i thought you was hurt or i thought one of our brothers took you so i was going to beat them up because nobody takes away my twinny in the morning so i was running around trying to fin-'

Half way through Angelo's rant, Amara had fallen asleep with her face in her fathers neck.

'Baby calm down, she's fine, she's still a little tired though so be a little more quiet yeah?'
Gabriela said to her youngest son while moving his hair out of his face.

'Oh okay, my bad mama'
Angelo said softly and kissed Mara head then walked out of the bedroom and towards Marco's.

'Ti voglio bene, vai a fara la doccia starò con lei'
(My love you go and get in the shower i'll stay with her).
Armando said to his wife who nodded and kissed her daughter's and husband's cheek, who were still cuddled up together.

After Gabriela had finished her shower and her morning routine she walked back into the bedroom to find Armando and Amara sleeping soundly, clinging to each over, she then snapped a quick picture of the two of them and started trying to wake up her husband, which she knew was going to be a long process.

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