Chapter 74

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Amara's POV

'Are you a whore?'
I asked the girl curiously who i was sitting next to while staring at her.

She side eyed me.

Rude hoe. I like you.


'You're a babe, you should be a hoe. I'm telling you, if you are, it will intrigue me even more.'
I said, moving closer to her in which she moved away almost immediately.

'Physical touch is out the window then. What's your story, grey'
Grey. It's her name now. Her eyes are grey, one of the things that pulled me in most about her.

She muttered, now with her head fully turned to me.

Brunette hair, grey eyes. Axel will like her.

'Your eyes are grey. I like your eyes, therefore, i'm naming you grey'

She hummed, staying silent.

After a few seconds, she spoke.


'Your name is Olive? That's so cool, do you like olives by any chance? I love olives but i don't like the black ones only the green ones because they're more-'

'Your name is Olive, your eyes are olive. My name is Layla'

'Ahh Layla. You're sitting with me at lunch. You know where i sit right?'
I questioned, grinning widely as i could.

'Yes, i do'

'That's sorted then'


Everyone loves her.

She's getting along with everyone and everything is good.

'Party tomorrow girl'
Diya voiced as she had her legs over Gabriel. Told you they would get together.

'It's one of the boys on the basketball team, Ezra'
Tabitha explained, throwing a M&M into her mouth.

'I'll see how i feel'
I replied making both of the girls look at me while everyone was in their own conversations with each other.

'Amara not going to a party? You feeling good?'
Tabitha asked, concerned.

'I'm good, you know when you can feel yourself getting sick'
I said, running my hands over my face.

'Mhm i get you girl, sleep it off tonight and see how you are tomorrow'
Diya spoke, smiling at me, allowing me to return the gesture.

I sighed and leant on Roman's shoulder, who was sitting next to me.

'¿Estás bien niña bonita?'
—Spanish—(You okay pretty girl?)
He questioned, catching Romeo's attention who was sitting next to him.

I hummed and closed my eyes.

It's pretty weird now, all of Romeo and Roman's friends sit with all of us at lunch now and everyone gets along with each other.

I felt Angelo's gaze in the side of my head, he could sense something was wrong. I opened my eyes and side eyed him while he looked under the table and back at me multiple times.


I sat in physics, staring out the window while Alvaro sat next to me with his arm around the back of my seat.

'Are you alright Mara?'
He asked, peeking around at me while i turnt to him and gave him a lazy nod.

'Want me to call your dad?'

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