Chapter 30

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(⬆️Amara's fit for this chapter)

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(⬆️Amara's fit for this chapter)

Amara's POV

'Mcdonald's here we come'
I muttered as i rolled my eyes.

I really wasn't in the fucking mood today.

It was the morning after the night at the hotel and it was way to fucking early. 10:30am and i'm awake?
I was woken up this morning by Xavier coming in my bedroom screaming. I threw a vase at him.
As i tried to get up out of the bed, an arm stopped me. Turned out i guess Angelo and i were cuddling. He and i both slept quite well last night, which was surprising because i barely ever sleep for more than an hour. 1 hours and 26 minutes was how long i slept for last night.

I stared out of the window of the car as we drove by a field with my hood over my head. Raindrops fell down the window. Left side will win. Left side will win. Left side will win. Left side won.

Today, Armando, Enrique, Domizio, Domencio, Julio and Marco were in the car today.

My sperm donor sat next to me, occasionally looking my way with a smile. It was clear that he was happy to see me. It was clear that all of them wanted to see me.

Marco called out to me, making me turn my head and look at him with no expression.

'What do you want to eat?'
He asked, gesturing to the Mcdonald's that we had just pulled into.

'20 nuggets and a double expresso please'
I murmured, looking back out the window.

10 minutes later, we were on route to the airport. Apparently we were going on my sperm donors' jet. Mafia type shit.

Pulling up right outside of the plane, my jaw nearly dropped. And i thought my plane was big.

We all stepped out of the car, walking up the steps and into the plane. I sat down on the first window seat i saw.

Just as i sat down in my seat, Xander appeared next to me.

'Your in my seat'
He exclaimed. The fuck i was.

I turned around, looked at the seat for a few seconds and then looked at Xander.

'I don't see you name'
I said, putting my hood up again and leaning against the window.

'Listen here you-'

'Finisci quella frase, ti sfido'
——(Finish that sentence, i dare you)
Domizio Bianchi voiced as he appeared next to me, Xander shot a quick glare my way and went to sit with Julian.

Domizio however, sat in the seat next to mine.
From where we were both sitting we could see the whole plane and everyone could see us.
It was only now, when i saw the resemblance between the 2 of us. Green eyes, brown hair and dimples. Exactly like Armando and Domencio. Our mannerisms were similar too. We both had blank expressions while looking at the family as they found a seat to sit in. This man is cool.

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