Chapter 27

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(⬆️⬆️This song is beautiful)

Armando's POV

Dead. That's how i've fucking felt for the past 11 years of my life.

I picked up the glass and downed the liquid, feeling it burn the back of my throat.

I looked up and sighed exhaustedly as i glanced around the room. Everyone sat there, staring at nothing, looking down at a laptop or drinking some type of alcohol. Nobody spoke or even looked at each over. The only thing you could hear was the sound of typing.

This has been my family for the past 11 years. 11 fucking years since my princess was taken away from me. Since the greatest thing that had ever happened to this family was taken away.

All of my brothers sat on one sofa, barely even sitting next to each over. My father sat on the left side of me, my mother sitting next to him, leaning against his shoulder. My nephews and some of their friends were spread out around the room, their eyes glued to their laptops or phones, trying to find the smallest piece of information. Most of my sons were on another sofa, barely even their shoulders touched.  My wife and youngest son were in their bedrooms, a normal thing. My eldest son sat on my right, staring forward, his expression completely blank.

Nobody, not one person in this family had been the same since that night. I don't fucking remember the last time i had a full conversation with anyone. God i don't even remember the last time i slept in the same fucking bed as my wife. There hasn't been one day, one single fucking day where i've gone without having a panic attack. The smallest thing could trigger it, wether it be somebody talk about her or just simply a packet of fucking oreos.

The whole vibe in the mafia completely changed. The guards and workers always used to look forward to coming to work, knowing that they would see the princess at least once that day.

During the past 11 years, Domenico completely buried himself in work, in hopes of forgetting the pain. He only ever talks if he's being spoken to. He's very rarely home, either out working, fucking, fighting, racing or killing somebody.

Marco tried staying happy. Tried. In this situation it was impossible for that to happen. He's the most caring out of all of his siblings. Like a mother-type brother. But like Domenico, he buried himself in work and is never home.

Esteban is the quiet one. He very rarely speaks, smiles or laughs. He's more of an observant brother and keeps himself to himself. He's the best hacker in the mafia, therefore keeping him busy but not keeping him away from the thoughts and memories of his little sister.

Xander doesn't even try. He's a fucking dick, to put it nicely. He's out every night and every day. He's the most violent of all of his siblings and the most angriest, him being the best fighter in the mafia. He has IED and insomnia, which we all try and help him with but he immediately shuts himself away and declines and type of help.

Xavier tries to be himself, but everyone knows he is still hurting. He tries cheering everyone up everyday, even though the memories of her live in his head. He tries holding the family together, like Marco but i guess is slowly losing hope.

Angelo was definitely affected the most by what happened. She was and still is his best friend. He doesn't talk to anybody, not even the family. When he's not at school, fighting, racing or killing somebody, he locks himself in his bedroom, refusing to come out. He gets arrested and in trouble just as much as Xander, if not more and doesn't give a fuck about anyone.

He also suffers from insomnia and most nights refuses to go to sleep. One night, i found him screaming and shouting for somebody to stop. I questioned him about it and turns out, he saw things that he thinks happened to Amara, therefore he refuses to sleep most nights.

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