Chapter 23

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Armando's POV

As i walked up the stairs that led to the stage with my little girl in my arms and my father behind me, i felt eyes everywhere on my body.

Amara still had her head held high and was still looking around the room at people.

'Thank you all for coming, tonight is the night where we introduce my daughter to all mafia's of the world. Please, enjoy your night and introduce yourself, everyone is welcome, except a few of you'
I voiced, with no ounce of emotion in my voice, as i looked around the room, my father doing the same.

I looked down towards my daughter and saw her looking over at somebody and waving, a small smile on her face.

I looked up and noticed she was waving at Gabriela while my wife mouthed and 'i love you' to her, making her giggle softly and her dimples show.

Yep, everyone's expression in that room softened, even Alek Ivanov and Leon Schmidt which was definitely a fucking shock.

They look at her in the wrong way and i will fucking kill them, very very fucking slowly.

After my father and i talking for a few more minutes and everyone looking at Amara in admiration, we made our way back to the table where the whole family was.

Amara went straight towards Dom, hugging him and sitting on his lap in between Angel and Landon while i went towards the chair in between Enrique and Marino, opposite Amara.

I scanned the room and noticed that everyone else was in their own conversations with each over, occasionally looking over at my table and smiling at Amara.

'Armando, how you been'
I turned around and saw Andre Hernandez (Portuguese Mafia btw) and his 6 children.

'I'm good Andre, and you'
I said, shaking his hand and greeting all of his kids.

Celio and Celso both went straight to Domenico, Julio, Gianluca, Gianmarco Gianmario and Landon seeing as they knew each over, Frederico went to Marco, Manu, Manuel, Georgio, Anthony and Hudson, Macario went to Liam, Uberto and Salvatore and Tomas went to Xander, Xavier, Raul, Javier, Ivano and all of the younger boys.

'Where's Amara?'
Andre asked, looking around as he held onto Tiara's hand, who was looking up at me with a small smile.

Andre had met Amara a few times but Amara and Tiara had never seen each over before, Andre and i were both hoping they could be friends.

I said to Amara, who turned her attention away from Celso and smiled.

'Come here love'
I explained, making her run over to me and jump into my arms.

'Baby, you remember Andre right?'
I asked her.

Amara turned her head away from my neck and looked at Andre who smiled. She observed him for a few seconds and then grinned and waved.

'I remember you!!!! You gave me oreos'
She explained, making Andre's smile widen.

'It's good to see you again little girl'
He said, and then turned to Tiara and picked her up.

'This is my daughter, Tiara'
He voiced.

Amara stared at Tiara with no expression on her face, Tiara however had a wide grin on her face as she looked at Amara.

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