The Recovery Room

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Okay here is the very first chapter of the third installment of my supernatural series A Truth Revealed. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think and please enjoy. Thank you. I'm going to try something new with this one. I'm going to seperate the author notes from the rest of the story with lines. Let me know if you prefer the lines or not.


Mick opened the door to the recovery room in the basement of the Super Stars house. As he closed it he turned on the light using the dial near the door keeping the light setting low. It had been a few months now since Bowie had been rescued from Free's basement and a new year was just a few hours away from starting.

"Bowie I wish you were recovered enough to leave this room," Mick whispered as he stopped a few feet from where Bowie stood between the two poles he was restrained to.

Bowie's red eyes opened as he sensed Mick's presence but he made no attempt to attack. He knew he was restrained and he knew he couldn't reach the other occupant of the room he found himself in. He was also still too weak. He did narrow his eyes and emit a small unsure hiss that ended with a little growl. It didn't faze Mick though.

"Bowie don't be like that please. It's been quite a while now. Why can't you remember me or the other's or yourself?" Mick questioned as he glanced at the floor with a sad look in his brown eyes.

Bowie's eyes softened and confusion replaced the fear and feral look he usually wore. Who was Mick? Who was he really? Did they know each other?


Mick gasped and turned back to Bowie with a small hopeful smile and hope shining in his eyes. Since the coven had gotten Bowie back from Free he hadn't spoken even one word. He'd hissed, screamed and growled but he hadn't spoken. Until now. Sure he hadn't actually said a word but he tried to.

"You're finally trying to speak again," Mick's voice held a relieved tone in it. "That's a good sign. You're getting better."

It hadn't been much. Just one sound. Bowie's voice had been weak and hoarse but at least he'd tried to speak. That little sound had been whispered but it had come out.

"The Super Stars are your coven Bowie," Mick continued speaking in a low soft tone. "We're your family. Your brothers."

Bowie only shook his head in confusion. He had no family. He was alone. Wasn't he? Were these people really his brothers? What about sisters or parents? Did Bowie have sisters or parents? Did he have a place to truly call home? He didn't know anymore all he thought he knew until recently had been Free and that small room in his basement.

"Zac, myself, Freddy, Orochi, Akira, Shinki and Katana. We're your family. Your brothers. I want to be more than just brothers with you though felt the same way about me until Free got a hold of you."

Free's name made Bowie shudder. He knew it well and even though he had been with Free and his coven for as long as he could remember he'd been wounded, starving and chained in that small dimly lit sometimes dark room in the basement. He feared that name. Was Free the one who hurt him or was he harmed by someone else and then ended up a prisoner of Free afterward? Why couldn't he remember? He was certain Free had been a threat to him though.

"Free's the one who took you from us and tortured you so badly you got bloodlust and went feral but we got you back. We're going to find a way to help you somehow."

Mick could tell Bowie was confused. His feral side only recognized Free as the one who kept him in that room in his basement and Bowie was still quite feral. He couldn't really remember things clearly at the moment. Mick didn't think Bowie really recognized Free as the one who'd harmed him and made him feral to begin with. Bowie just knew he'd been a prisoner of Free's and had been mistreated. Bowie wasn't able to think straight and couldn't seem to remember that Free had caused his condition. He would soon though. Mick would make sure of that.

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