Emotions and A Rescue Plan

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Mick paced in the recovery room in front of Zac and the others. It was the next morning after they're return home to find Bowie gone. Zac and Freddy tried to calm Mick down with no success.

"I told you someone should have stayed here with him," Mick shouted. "You said no one would get in."

"Someone got in and Bowie was taken. You're right Mick. I was wrong. This time. Someone should have stayed with Bowie," Zac admitted calmly.

"What could they want with a weakened bloodthirsty vampire?" Daisuke wondered.

"They might want himto study bloodlust in case one of their own gets it?" Clio voiced out. "Or theycould want to make Bowie feral again for their own ends and use him to defeatus."

"No," Mick growled out. "Bowie doesn't deserve that."

"Mick we'll get him back," Zac urged.

"While you guys think of how to do that my wife is still in the hospital and I'm going to go see her," Isao decided. "Raiden, Daichi wanna go see mom?"

Raiden shook his head. He hated seeing his mom in pain. It hurt. He wanted to see her well and out of the hospital. Daichi looked at Raiden then at his dad before shaking his head no too.

"You hate seeing your mom in the hospital," Mick realized as he calmed down in the presence of the two boys.

"It's sad. I want herto come home and be well again," Raiden said softly. "I want Bowie to be okayand come home too."

"Hey I can't do anything about your mom but I swear Bowie will come back. We know where the tower is we just have to go rescue him," Mick assured giving both young boys a hug.

"I still don't want to see mom in the hospital suffering," Raiden whispered.

Mick looked at Isao then back at the boys then back to Isao. He looked over to where Bowie had been restrained then back at the boys. Sighing he turned back to Isao.

"I can look after them for a while if you still want to go see Kaiya," he offered.

"It's been a while since someone visited her. I should. If it's not too much trouble," Isao responded.

"It's not. Zac canfigure out a way to get Bowie back," Mick glared at his coven leader. "It's hisfault Bowie was taken and I like the boys. How about we go to the park for awhile?"

The boys nodded. Isao thanked Mick for the offer and left to visit his wife Kaiya for a while. After Mick left with the Boys Zac sat on the cot in the recovery room.

"Zac Mick's wrong to put all the blame on you," Freddy said sitting down next to Zac. "A mistake was made."

"It's not just a mistake being made Freddy," Zac sighed. "I've let Bowie down again. When Free took him I failed to find him in time before he went feral and got bloodlust. Boa had to lead us to him. Now he's been taken again because I didn't leave someone here to guard him. I failed him."

"Zac," Hirohito called out from the door after everyone else went upstairs. "Son look at me. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is immune to making mistakes. Not even vampires."

"I'm a coven leader.I can't make mistakes. If I do someone in the coven could be harmed or killedand that'll be on me. It's my job to keep them safe."

"Zac," Freddy whispered softly.

"You can make mistakes and still be a good coven leader. It's if you don't learn from those mistakes that makes you a bad leader. You respect your coven and look out for them. You care for them as if they were your blood family. They look up to you and respect you for that even though you make mistakes. That's what it means to be a leader."

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