Fubuki and Suoh Assist

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Alright here is another chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. Please enjoy.

Bowie awoke very tired and very weak. Once he was able to open his eyes he saw Mick sitting on the floor in front of him. Mick looked worried as Bowie was still really hot and shaky.


"It's almost noon. You've been out for a while now."

"Uhmm," Bowie moaned as he closed his eyes and weakly shook his head.

"Are you asking how long I've been here waiting?" Mick asked as Bowie nodded. "I've been here since before Clio left yesterday. I stayed. I couldn't leave you to suffer alone."

Bowie smiled a little. He was still so tired but he was glad Mick was here right now. His feelings for Mick were starting to confuse him. There were times he wanted Mick near and there were times he just didn't. If there was love between them shouldn't Bowie want Mick around all the time? Maybe he was just still so confused about knowing Mick and the others?

"Bowie I need you to trust me okay?"

Bowie looked at Mick with confusion. He sniffed Mick's held out hand and allowed him to place it against his chest. What else did Mick want from him?

"The Super Stars took in an ice manipulator from Joshua's coven after it was destroyed and he was killed. His name is Fubuki. I know you don't like anyone but me touching you but you have a very high fever and he can bring it down better than anyone else. I spoke to him briefly. He wants to help you."

Mick had learned about Fubuki's ice ability this morning when he'd returned from a hunt with Zac in the ravine. Zac had to hunt and Mick went with him for safety reasons. Fubuki and Freddy were practicing their abilities with each other and Mick had watched for a while. It had actually been Freddy who suggested Fubuki could maybe help Bowie a little after he and Mick had spoken to him and gotten to know him and the ice manipulator had agreed.

Bowie didn't like the idea. He shook his head. Mick was the only one he trusted not to harm him. No one else was going to touch him. No one.

"Bowie hear me out," Mick pleaded. "His name is Fubuki. He has amazing control over his ice ability and won't use more power than you can handle. He's just going to ease the pain of your still recovering body and hopefully lower your fever."

"Uhmm," Bowie shook his head again.

"Bowie please. He'll only place his hands on you for a few minutes and you'll feel a little bit better afterwards. Maybe even rest a little better too. Please?"

Bowie's eyes locked with Mick's. His voice was pleading and his eyes held a pained look in them at seeing Bowie suffering. Bowie knew Mick wasn't trying to get him to do this for no reason. He was really trying to help him.


"You want me to go get him right now?" asked Mick quietly as Bowie nodded.

Mick left the room for a little while. Bowie heard him go upstairs. Then after a few minutes he heard Mick return. He wasn't alone. Bowie opened his eyes at the scent of another vampire. There was a third sent too.

"Bowie this is Fubuki," Mick introduced. "You didn't know him before all this happened but his ice ability can do more for you than Freddy's water. You have to let him though."

Bowie shook from the heat of his fever. He shook with exhaustion and he could barely stay awake. Maybe if he did do this he'd have a little more strength to fight his up and down condition.

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