Training and A Test

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Sorry this is a little late. I've been working a new job lately and doing overnight work so I don't have much freetime anymore. As Usual comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. Now please enjoy.

In Phi's tower on the opposite side of the city from the Super Stars and many miles from the city limits Phi was once again training his coven hard. It was the same thing every day and night with sleep every three nights. Phi and Evel were standing on the catwalk above the coven watching them train until they were told to stop.

"Where is Hyde this evening?" Phi questioned.

"He said he had his own training he was doing. I think he's using and strengthening his ability while surrounded with blood so he could better control his thirst on the battle field while tired," Evel responded.

"I see. As long ashe's doing something and he's prepared to face the enemy when the time comes,"Phi dismissed thoughts of his brother from his mind for the time being.

"My recorded data on the coven shows they are getting stronger and stronger each day they train. They will soon, hopefully, be unstoppable," Evel reported.

"Good," Phi mused as he watched the coven calmly. "That's what I want to hear."

Hae-jin was hitting targets nonstop. His arrows hit true. He took only a few seconds to aim at the unmoving target then fired his arrow right into its center. He never missed. Even if he didn't really aim, which he rarely didn't aim, he never missed. He seemed dissatisfied though with his current level of training.

"Phi," he called out knowing the stronger, older vampire was listening. "I believe it's time for my targets to be moving now. I can't continue training my ability by hitting non-moving targets and it's boring."

"Noted. Evel herewill upgrade them so they move," Phi told him calmly.

"I can have it ready for tomorrow's morning training," Evel stated calmly while Hae-jin simply nodded mutely before turning back to his targets.

Even though he never missed his target Hae-jin constantly trained hard like the rest of them did. Never missing his target was Hae-jin's ability. He could lock on to a target and hit them with ease. Especially if they were standing still. Everyone wondered why he even bothered to practice his archery when he didn't really have to. They were told it was because Phi told him too so he could become physically stronger from constantly pulling the string back and holding the large bow up and so his ability could become strainer with use. Hae-jin didn't really talk to any of the other members of the coven so no one knew much about him. They just figured his training was to simply get stronger and stay stronger.

Phi turned his attention to another member ofthe coven. Kyle he was in a closed off area of the training room with the mostvicious animals Phi could find working on strengthening his ability to keep itgoing longer and hit more opponents while using less energy.

"How is Kyle doing?" Phi asked.

"He is improving. The wolves have tried to get in close but every time he says something they never seem to know what to do or where to go. The bear too. He's now able to hit all four wolves and the bear all at once," Evel reported. "We will soon have to gather more animals for his training. Maybe use the humans too and possibly some of our own coven so he can improve more and more."

Phi turned to where Norman and Carlos were sparing with each other. They were trading blows like they were true enemies and not coven mates. Norman was losing as he never really trained his hand to hand combat in Free's coven but Carlos was giving him a few pointers and helping Norman become stronger so he could defeat his enemies easier and survive the coming war. Aiger and his best friend Ranjiro were doing the same thing.

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