A Friend Returns

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts please and thank you. Now please enjoy.

Zac, Akira and Mick were down in the recovery room spending some much needed time with Bowie. It had been a few weeks since Jin had saved Rantaro from his brother and Shu and Wakiya saved Tori from Phi. Rantaro hadn't been seen by them since. He'd been cooped up in his house refusing to come out and avoiding the supernaturals since his frightening encounter. Tori had unfortunately died a day after he'd been saved. His body had rejected the change.

Phi had stayed awayfrom the Super Stars house but he continued to attack Zac and his team whenthey were away from the house either hunting or going to and from coexistencemeetings with the humans or doing whatever else they chose to do. He alsoattacked humans who crossed his path as well. He really needed to be stoppedbut with the limited information Zac and his comrades had on him and his covenand the fact Clio was still missing and Freddy was still not on his feet itjust wasn't possible yet.

Bowie was making more and more progress in his recovery though. That was a good thing at least. He was shaking less and less, his injuries were all pretty much healed, even most of the scars with just a few faint ones remaining. His breathing was much more stable and he was feeling much stronger too. Now he just had to get past his bloodlust. That was harder now with Clio, their contact for human blood, gone but Mick seemed to be doing okay with helping Bowie's condition.

"Bowie's trusting us completely now and he's coming back to his senses more and more," Akira commented from where he sat on Mick's cot.

"Yes he is," Zac commented back. "Mick you seem to know what to do for him. Did Clio tell you anything?"

"Yeah. Kinda. He justsaid to try talking to him more and more and to be there for him," Mickanswered not wanting to tell Zac about what Clio had revealed to him about hispast when they'd spoken.

"Freddy once told me he thought Clio knows or knew more then he let on," Akira stated. "I guess we'll never know if that's true or not now if he's really gone."

"We don't know that Akira," Zac pointed out. "He could still be alive. Maybe he's doing his research more thoroughly in a secluded and safe place."

"Yeah it would be nice to have him here to help us with Bowie and the humans Phi decides to turn or even to help deal with Phi himself," Mick frowned.

Since that day withRantaro and Tori Phi had been constantly turning humans. Zac and his group hadtaken in about nine humans so far but they were sure Phi was turning more theyjust weren't able to help all of them. Not a single human they had recovered fromhim had survived the turning so far. No one was sure if Phi had any new covenmates from survivors of the turning process. So many were lost though so far andthere was no way to stop it as of yet. It was quite frustrating. On top of thatFreddy wasn't waking from when he was injured by Evel and Reiko was becomingmore and more worried the longer he stayed down.

"What about Freddy?" Mick asked. "Clio could help with him too."

"He could," Akira agreed and Zac nodded before Orochi entered the recovery room.

"It would be nice to know why he hasn't woken up yet. He's a vampire surely nothing too severe had happened to him. I thought Evel had just knocked him out," Zac muttered under his breath.

"Kris needs everyone upstairs now," Orochi told his friends. "Shu and Ben brought another turning human back and Phi has followed them this time."

Zac led the groupupstairs to see a young man with light blue hair and warm, intelligent browneyes wearing a turquoise long-sleeved work shirt, dark grey trousers and blackshoes laying on the couch directly in front of the t.v. On the table was a pairof white square shaped glasses and a white lab coat. He couldn't have been morethan twenty. Maybe a little older. He was whimpering in pain and had been for quite some time now.

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