A Meeting with The Humans

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It had been three weeks since Phi revealed the supernatural world to the humans. Mick was sitting on the couch watching the news with Zac, Kris and Trad. Through the news they were able to learn of many of the humans panicking. some wished this formerly secret and possibly very dangerous world didn't exist and this was all just a nightmare while others, to protect their families from supposed threats really did want to destroy the supernaturals.

"I can't believe this," Mick whispered. "I just wanted my friends to be able to see their families again. I didn't think, even for a second, the humans would actually be so afraid and unaccepting of us. I guess I just thought that if everyone who lost someone to this secret and didn't know it got the chance to see their family again they'd accept them no matter what. But it's not happening. People are turning on family who have become supernaturals."

"You were trying to help your coven brothers who missed their families," Zac reassured. "Now we know why Phi was being so quiet for the past while."

"I figured I'd give the humans a chance to show they weren't like my family. I wanted to believe they were good, caring and accepting."

"As it turns out there are a few like that," Kris jumped in to the conversation, "But not a lot. Many are panicking and many want to harm us or whatever reasons. That's why I warned you to stay away from them."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want this to happen. I was just tired of the whole secret thing. I was tired of hiding. I didn't intend any fear or harm."

"What's done is down but we have to be honest here. Yes Mick took a chance but it was Phi who revealed us to the humans not Mick," Zac defended.

"You're right," Kris replied, "and it's Phi we need to be focusing on. He created a problem for us to distract us so he could try and beat us easier."

"So what do we do now?" Mick asked.

"At the end of this week I have arranged a meeting with the humans," Kris informed. "Many humans are simply afraid of what they thought didn't exist. I'm hoping to dispel their fears and show them we want to coexist with them and not cause harm."

"Sounds good. Where is it?" Zac wondered.

"At the city hall," Kris told him. "I want you and Mick to attend with me and the rest of the high council. I'm also thinking Ben from the Beasts pack and maybe one other wolf as well as possibly Freddy."

"Let's see if they'll do it," Zac said heading down the stairs to the recovery room to talk to Freddy.

"I'll go talk to the beasts," Trad, who'd been in the living room with Zac, Mick and Kris but had been silent until now, offered.

It took only a few minutes for Zac and Trad to return to Kris and Mick in the living room. Zac sat next to Mick and Trad next to Kris.

"Ben has agreed. He say's he'll bring Ghasem with us. Shu will stay and keep the pack in order," Trad told Kris.

"Since Mick's going with us Freddy opted to stay behind to care for Bowie," Zac revealed. "He asked Suoh who was in the recovery room with him if he'd go and Suoh agreed."

"Alright so it's theentire High Council, Zac and Mick, Ben and Ghasem and Suoh," Kris decided."That'll be enough on our side. We don't want to make the humans uneasy oruncomfortable."


The night of the meeting came and Mick found himself a little nervous. He hoped everything went well tonight. He gave Bowie and Freddy each a hug and headed upstairs to join Zac and the others who were going to the meeting.

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