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Here's Chapter 45. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts thanks.

"Lui you really do not have many more chances left to cooperate with us," Clio warned.

He and the rest of the High Council were in the basement surrounding Lui the last captive they had alive. They were trying to get answers about Phi's plans but Lui wasn't cooperating. He'd stayed silent through out the ordeal with Free, only speaking to acknowledge Mick and Bowie's bond, and was silent now. He wouldn't even look at the members of the council. He refused to even acknowledge them.

"He won't talk. He's probably too loyal to Phi," Silas muttered.

"Trad go get Gabe. If he uses his ability on Lui then he'll cooperate," Kris ordered as Trad nodded.

It had been a night since Mick had killed Free and Kris was hoping Lui would simply cooperate. Right now Mick had come down into the basement with one of Raiden's shirts. He was going to see if Bowie would remember the boy's scent fully. Then he'd do it again tomorrow before brining one of Daichi's down for a couple of days. Mick noticed Lui watching him enter the recovery room but paid him no mind as Kris continued waiting for Gabe.

"Hey Bowie," Mick said as he approached him. Bowie's eyes were red and it was obvious he was thirsty. "A couple things today but first lets feed you."

Mick left the shirt on the cot before cutting his right wrist and letting Bowie feed. After a few minutes Bowie was stopped and Mick retrieved the shirt. He noticed Bowie's eyes widen as he glanced at the shirt. He seemed to recognize it.

"It's Raiden's. Zac decided, since you reacted well enough to Isao, to try brining your brothers to see you but he wanted to see how you'd react to their scents first. I'll bring this shirt again with me tomorrow then I'll bring you Daichi's scent for a couple days then we can hopefully bring them in here for a while."

"They're scared of me?" Bowie whispered quietly.

"Well actually they're not. They want to see you," Mick assured. "Raiden might be a bit afraid of me right now though which is the second thing I wanted to tell you."

Bowie looked at Mick waiting for him to explain. Mick took a deep breath not sure how Bowie would react to him stealing his chance of vengeance.

"I killed Free last night. He kept taunting us mostly you and I lost my temper and took a silver dagger Clio had left down here and killed him. I know you wanted vengeance for what he did to you but I couldn't stop myself. Raiden saw it happen. He seemed calm after a while and even today but I don't know him that well to tell."

"Free's not here anymore?" Bowie asked while Mick nodded. "Good."

"We still have Lui. The council is trying to interrogate him but he won't acknowledge them let alone answer their questions," Mick revealed. "I'm going to go see what's going on. You want this?"

Bowie nodded as Mick held up Raiden's shirt. Mick chuckled a little se he rolled the shirt up and put it around Bowie's shoulders so he could be surrounded by his brother's scent.

Outside of the recovery room Lui continued to ignore the people around him. Right now Gabe had him pinned to a wall with his hands at his shoulders trying to get him to make eye contact with him. Lui refused. He kept his eyes closed and wouldn't open them no matter what Gabe did or said. He wouldn't even glare at Gabe.

"Still nothing?" Mick asked Clio.

"He refuses to talk.We haven't learned anything about Phi's next course of action or how manyhumans he has captive. We don't even know if he is still turning anyone or howmany he is turning," Clio expressed with a frown.

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