Nightfell Remembered

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Here's chapter 6 for you to enjoy. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Please enjoy.

The next afternoon saw Mick visiting Bowie just as he promised he would last night. Zac had just finished giving him a glass of blood when Mick entered the recovery room. Bowie still refused to feed directly from anyone but at least he was letting some of them, mainly Mick but sometimes Zac and Freddy, give him a couple of glasses of blood a day.

"Hey Bowie," Mick greeted. "As promised I'm here and I brought who I said I would with me today."

"Mick keep it short and don't overwhelm him. He looks like he might be a little unwell at the moment," Zac warned drawing Mick's attention to Bowie's tired eyes and shaking body.

"This won't take long. Maybe thirty minutes," Mick decided as Zac nodded.

"Good luck."

Zac exited the room and saw Nightfell waiting for Mick to tell him it was okay to enter the recovery room. The brothers nodded to each other and Zac went upstairs after quickly checking on Boa.

"Bowie Zac's brother is just outside this room. He's not going to hurt you. He just wants to meet you and see how you're doing. I'm going to go get him and bring him in okay."

Mick left the room for a minute and came back in with the scent he'd been exposing Bowie to for the past three now four days. The scent was stronger now that the owner of it was standing in the room.

"Just keep your distance from him and talk softly so he doesn't see you as a threat," Mick advised Nightfell.

"Got it."

"Bowie," Mick turned his attention back to his sick coven mate. "This is Nightfell. Zac's brother and a new member of the Super Stars coven. Nightfell, Bowie."

"Hello Bowie," Nightfell greeted calmly.

"Bowie was our second in command until Free got him and did this to him," Mick told Nightfell.

"He really doesn't look like he's well. Does his condition go up and down like this a lot?"

"He seemed okay until yesterday. Maybe he's just a little unwell today and he'll be better in a little while or by tomorrow hopefully? Here."

Mick took Nightfell'shand and led him a little closer to the bound vampire who hissed a little unsure.He held it up to Bowie. The ill vampire hissed again but quieted soon afterwhen Mick spoke to him calmly.

"Shh Bowie. It's okay. He's not a threat. Just take it easy."

Bowie looked from Nightfell to Mick and back again a few times. He gave a small hiss of confusion. Then growled a tiny bit before going quiet. So far this new vampire hadn't tried to harm him but maybe that was because Mick was here in the room with them. Why was that voice so familiar to him though? Why?

Nightfell watched the confusion flare in Bowie's glowing eyes. He noticed he was gasping. A little in fear, possibly from pain and definitely from exhaustion. He was also shaking hard. Nightfell let sympathy enter his eyes at the other vampire's condition. He'd only seen him one other time and it was to get the key used to release him from Free's grasp from him. He'd been in even worse shape then. Bowie had improved quite a bit since then. But it was still hard to see him like this. Weak, sick, confused and scared.

"I see. My voice isfamiliar to him. When I took the key from him back at Free's I spoke to him briefly.My scent was hidden so Free wouldn't know I was there but he recognizes my voiceit seems. I hope to someday soon learn of your true personality and learn moreabout you when you're in better condition."

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