Talking With Hana

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Here is chapter 26. Comment, vote and enjoy. The note handed to one of the characters was supposed to be written in handwriting but Wattpad didn't allow for the font i used on Microsoft word so just imagine it's hand written.

Mick awoke the next morning to Bowie gasping hard and shaking, his eyes glowing blood red. He jumped from the cot and raced over to give him the blood he knew he needed. Bowie drank hungrily, needily. Once he finished his eyes went back to being a mix of red and dark brown, mostly dark brown though and his breathing evened out.

"...Th-thanks..." Bowie whispered.

"Anytime," Mick told him. "Bowie I gotta go take care of something so either Freddy or Zac is going to look after you for a while until I get back."

Bowie nodded as therecovery room door opened. Freddy and Zac both walked in. Freddy looked lessangry with Mick but there was still some anger if the look in his eyes wasanything to go by. Zac didn't look angry but when he spoke there was a hint offrustration in his voice.

"Freddy is going to stay with Bowie. Kris wants me to go with you and keep an eye on things and let her know that the humans you've made contact with have been informed of the meeting."

"Alright. The hospital is our first stop. Bowie's family might be visiting his mom and if not Freddy's sister works there and could be on shift so we should go there first."

Zac nodded and turned to head back upstairs. Freddy leaned against the wall near Bowie. He wouldn't make eye contact with Mick. Mick didn't blame him. He was scared for both the humans and the supernaturals.

"Bowie I'll be back soon. I just have to tell yours and Freddy's families about Kris's meeting," Mick told him as he nodded.

"I really hope this worksout and you're not just giving my sister false hope," Freddy told Mick quietlybut firmly.

"" Bowie told Freddy. "...He'"

"Sorry if I'm concerned for the safety of both of my families," Freddy shot back though softer then when he spoke to Mick.

"We'll talk about this later," Zac said as he returned to see what was keeping Mick. "Right now this needs to happen now. Mick just so you know when we get back Kris wants you confined to the house until the meeting. You'll be allowed out only for hunting then you're to be right back here."

"Alright. I can do to that," Mick agreed.

"It's happeningwhether or not you agree to it. It's what happens when you break the rules.Kris originally wanted you at the Commons for the duration but Clio advised herto keep you with Bowie for his sake," Zac told him.


It took a couple hours to get to the hospital since the two vampires walked and they couldn't use their speed with humans around. They walked so they could have time to quietly discuss how things were going to play out with. Zac decided Mick was going to talk to the humans and get them to agree to the meeting since they already knew him and were familiar with him. Zac would hang back and watch only getting involved if he had to. Once at the hospital Zac leaned on the wall by the entrance and watched Mick walk up to the front desk.

"Hey. Janell right?" Mick asked pretending to try to remember the woman's name.

"Yes. You're...Mick. I remember you now. Isao appreciates your support but he asked us to inform you to not see his wife if he's not here and right now he's currently not here."

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