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Here's another chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. Enjoy.

Mick sat outside in the grass a few feet from the steps. His knees were drawn up to his chest as he sat and thought but he was relatively calm. His thoughts were on earlier today and what happened with his parents and sister. He noticed quickly when Freddy's sister Hana sat next to him despite his thoughts.

"Mick can I ask you something?" she inquired quietly before looking over at him.

"Yeah. I guess," he said just as quietly.

"Why did Zac turn you. All of you?"

"Bowie was sick, Freddy got hurt. Orochi just knew too much about us and turned and Akira was in danger from Lui. The others are from other covens that don't exist anymore."

"What about you? Why'd he turn you?"

"I was depressed and needed to get away from everyone in my life. I ran into them and was turned. I was going to end my life but Zac saved me."

"Depression. What brought it on?"

"The people I currently had in my life before I turned. I was taken advantage of by all of them," Mick offered.

"That's rough," Hana commented. "Are things better now?"

"No. They would be but we're warring with Phi for everyone's safety and we've been exposed and not everyone is playing nice and Bowie, Zac and Freddy were captured. All I want right now is them all home safe, everything to calm down and go back to being nice and quiet and everyone to just get along," Mick whispered as he put his head on his knees.

"I'm sure everything will calm down soon and people will come around. As for Zac, Bowie and my brother. Well I'm sure we'll get them back soon and they'll be okay," Hana assured him as she wrapped a comforting arm around him.

"I hope so."

"Though I'm curious to know. Where are Akira's family? Surely they would have tried defending him from Lui and possibly you guys too. Did they stop caring after he was turned?"

"No. They actually died before he met us. his parents, his older brothers and his younger sister all died in a plane crash. He wasn't with them at the time of the accident. I don't think he ever told us where he was but it wasn't with them. Anyway he was sent to live with his aunt, uncle and cousins. They didn't like him and he wasn't happy there so we took him in. Then Lui became a threat and Freddy had to turn him or he might have been killed," Mick explained softly.

"I see. His aunt and uncle were abusive towards him. weren't they?" Hana asked as Mick nodded. "He was still human when you rescued him from his situation. That's further proof of how good you are."

Lui suddenly came into view. He noticed Mick and Hana sitting together and came over. He saw the look Hana gave him and knew Mick had probably told her he hadn't been playing nice before. He kept his distance from them but was close enough to converse with them.

"I assume he told you how mean I was before?" he asked the woman he learned was Freddy's older sister Hana.

"Yes," She replied.

"I wasn't playing very nice then. I don't know why I acted like that. I guess it started when I moved overseas for about three years. I was seven and I'd moved in the middle of the school year. I felt I didn't really belong where I was. I never really fit in. I was different then everyone else and I hadn't learned how to be like them. I was an outcast overseas. We stayed overseas until I was ten then in the middle of the school year again we moved back. Again I felt like I didn't belong. I felt like an outcast and I never really fit in. Things were tough and I couldn't get along with others. I guess I started acting out then. I guess it was more hurt than anger that made me what I became."

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