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After most of the humans had left city hall Kris gathered everyone up to go over what had happened allowing the humans who remained to listen. Though it was agreed Mick's threat on his father was probably not the best idea it was a good thing he'd stood up for Isao and stood up to his father.

"Now I can see why you don't like them," Zac mused as he sat next to Mick on the platform in front of the table.

"They haven't changed one bit. I can't stand them. They act like they're better than everyone else when they're not any better than any other selfish person," Mick said back in a small voice.

"I didn't know you were Noritaka's son," Isao said as he sat in a chair in front of them. "I might not have trusted you as much as I did had I known that."

"Have you known himlong?" Mick asked.

"I've known Noritaka for years and always had a problem with him as many others have. I knew he had a son but didn't know your name or anything else about you. When you disappeared and he didn't show any worry over you I was shocked. Though I'm one to talk after what I did to Bowie."

"I'm sure Bowie still wants to see you," Mick told him. "He just can't right now. It's not safe. His bloodlust is bad and he could lunge. Once he's recovered and back in control then he can see you."

"Is Freddy still okay? He didn't come tonight," Hana noticed coming over while the two people who'd come with her stayed back.

"He stayed back tolook after Bowie. He was given the chance to come but decided Bowie needed himsince I was coming," Mick told her before turning back to Isao. "How did youlearn I disappeared?"

"Noritaka said you were just gone when no one saw you for a while and asked him about it. Some concerned neighbours put together a search for you but you were never found. He was accused of doing something to cause your sudden disappearance but was never charged. There was no evidence he'd done anything and there was no body."

"He only used me for status he couldn't get himself and made me feel like that was all I was good for. Though I'm sure if he really wanted to he could have killed me when I left," Mick muttered not really wanting to get into this conversation.

"We should get back and make sure Bowie is still doing okay," Clio expressed sensing Mick's discomfort.

"I'm coming too," Hana decided. "Maybe there is something I can do to help plus I want to see my brother."

"I guess it couldn't hurt now," Kris thought.

The group walked backto the house talking quietly. They decided not to use a portal since the humansweren't really use to them yet or portal travel. The house was only five blocksfrom city hall anyway.

"Did you mean it?" Isao asked Mick suddenly as they walked.

"Mean what I said about killing my dad if he hurt anyone? Yes. I did."

"You're a better person then he is Mick," Zac told him. "Don't stoop down to his level."

"I'm simply protecting my friends and coven from a perceived threat," Mick defended while Zac chuckled.

"How did you turn out so different from your dad?" Isao wondered.

"I didn't like thefamily's attitude and decided I wasn't going to be anything like them," Micksaid back in a matter of fact way still not wanting to talk about the family heobviously disliked so much.

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