An Attack and An Episode

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Here's the next chapter. Please comment and or vote and enjoy.

Mick and Nightfell headed down to the ravine to hunt for deer as soon as Clio had left the Super Stars house. Clio had left not long after he and Mick had come up from the basement. It was already dark out and Mick and Clio had been with Bowie maybe an hour. Clio had things to do and Mick really needed to feed especially since he'd given Bowie his blood twice today and once yesterday. Nightfell was also quite thirsty too.

Because of Free and what he'd done prior to his death last year the Super Stars didn't go hunting alone anymore not that they really did before. Before Free they had almost always hunted in pairs or groups with a few solo hunts here and there. Since Free the solo hunts had completely stopped. The coven was always in groups or at least pairs with at least one of them standing watch while whoever they were with hunted then they'd switch. This continued with Phi and the threat he and his coven were. Mick and Nightfell stayed in full sight of each other instead of hunting and feeding separately.

Nightfell had only been a vampire for about a year now but he was quickly gaining control over his vampire needs and his ability, which he had gotten quite early, and learning more and more about vampire life from the whole coven not just Zac. Surprisingly he found himself loving the life of a vampire more then what he thought he actually would. He didn't miss his parents as much as he thought he would or as much as his brother did. Nightfell adapted to being a vampire better than his brother had when he'd first turned.

Currently Nightfell was keeping lookout for Mick who had found what he'd been looking for. A big male deer to feed from. Nightfell had hunted a deer around the same size first while Mick stood watch. Now it was Mick's turn to hunt.

Mick easily found himself trusting Nightfell with his safety and life. He'd only known him for a short time but it was like they'd known each other for longer then they had. Nightfell got along well with everyone in the coven. Mick hoped Bowie would like him too once they met. Nightfell was eager to meet the dark haired vampire Mick and the others were so fond of.

Mick snapped out of his thoughts and back to reality. He cursed himself as his blood source spotted him and rushed away to safety, sensing Mick was a predator. He'd either have to run his prey down now or look again but he wasn't going back to the house, and Bowie, hungry. He couldn't. He needed to feed. Hopefully on something big. Mick chose to look again. Less effort.

"Mick are you sure you're okay?" Nightfell asked coming to a stop beside Mick.

"Yeah. It's just when I think about Bowie I lose myself in my thoughts and lose sight of what I'm doing at the time I start thinking of him," Mick responded.

"Zachary says to not let you return without feeding," Nightfell stated confidently as Mick chuckled before they searched for another large animal to hunt.

Since Nightfell had joined the coven he'd taken the second in command position since he was Zac's brother and Bowie was down at the moment. No one seemed to care though that a newly turned vampire was second in command of the coven despite everyone else being older and possibly stronger than him.

"Hey Nightfell can I ask you something?" Mick turned to the younger vampire.

"You just did."

"Ha, ha," Mick mockingly laughed, though he actually found it a little funny. "Seriously though."

"Ask away."

"You know Zac hates being called by his full name right? I'm curious about why you do it."

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