Lots Of Talk And A Found Book

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and please enjoy. Thanks.

After Phi left Clio turned his attention to his comrades. He saw relief and joy of his return in their eyes. He gave them a small smile as Kris stepped forward.

"Clio. It's so good to see you again safe and well. You had us all worried."

"I apologize Kris. Evel attacked me with silver daggers, it took a while to rid my blood of the silver and recover my full strength. During my recovery I continued my research into Phi and his coven and uncovered who Phi truly is and his ability and age. The former we knew about the latter we did not. I also learned about Hyde and Evel and the rest of his coven who he turned."

"It's good to have you back. We have a lot to discuss but right now we have comrades to care for."

"Who besides Wakiyaand the turning human?" Clio asked with concern.

"Wakiya was injured defending the human we rescued. The human who is currently turning is turning because of Phi. Freddy was also injured while he and his girlfriend were abducted and held by Phi and hasn't woken up in a while."

"Let us assist them quickly," Clio advised.

Clio assisted Wakiya first. Wakiya healed even quicker then he would have on his own after Clio gave him his blood. Next up was the human who was almost screaming in pain now. Clio could not give him blood just yet but he did ask for his name and he stated weakly that it was Naoki. Clio then turned his attention to Freddy who was laying in his bed with Reiko watching over him. He cut his wrist a second time and placed it to Freddy's lips.

"He will be okay now," Clio told her softly as his blood flowed down the still sleeping vampire's throat.

"Why hasn't he wokenup yet though?" Zac asked.

"Something to do with Evel's ability to manipulate emotions. I'll explain soon."

Freddy stirred a few minutes later. His eyes opened and he cautiously sat up. Reiko broke down crying in relief as she flung herself at him and they hugged. After a while Reiko gave Clio a hug too.

"Thank you," She whispered.

"Of course," Clio said back. "Now that that's done we must discuss Phi's coven and how we're going to bring them down."

"Tell us what you know," Kris asked as they gathered in the living room while the human was moved to the basement.

"I told you about Phi and the other two leaders but there is also Aiger, Ranjiro, Hae-jin and Kyle. First up, Aiger age one hundred and sixty-six. One hundred and fifty years of that has been spent as a vampire. Ability he can tell if someone is lying or not. Ranjiro has only been a vampire for three years and was turned at the age of thirteen. His ability is weather manipulation."

"Rantaro's brother," Wakiya spoke softly. "He attacked him for blood after he was injured when we took back Freddy and Reiko."

"There is also Hae-jin who is one hundred and eighteen years old. One hundred years of that was as a vampire and his ability is he never misses a target when he fires an arrow from his bow. Last but not least is Kyle. He is three hundred and sixty-six years old. He spent three hundred and fifty years as a vampire. His ability is he can cause confusion with his voice."

After some pause Cliocontinued. His voice was calm but there was a hint of warning in it. He drew everyone'sattentions back to one of the covenleaders. Evel.

"Something else to reveal about Evel. His ability to manipulate emotions is a very useful tool. You've all noticed Freddy has woken up now and has rejoined us."

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