Forgiving Family and Another Thirst test

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and tell me your thoughts.  I'm still trying to keep the updates going every Friday but we'll see what happens since i'm now working.

Everyone sat in the living room in silence for a while after Clio got through telling Mick and Bowie that Evel had revealed he was the one who had turned Clio. Clio himself now sat in stunned silence. He'd never thought he'd ever find the vampire who turned him. Now that he had he didn't know how he felt about it. Anger at Evel for turning him, relief at finally solving the mystery of who had turned him and why or a mix of both.

"How can we be sure Evel's telling the truth?" Mick asked. "Maybe he's lying to distract Clio or convince him to go to their side."

"He knew Clio's age Mick," Zac told him.

"So I know Clio's age. We all know Clio's age?"

"I didn't tell him how old I was or when I turned," Clio stated quietly. "I told all of you that but not him."

"Maybe he could tell you more about the night you turned?" Bowie suggested. "Ask him where you were turned, the time you were turned and what you might have been doing when he found you."

"You didn't tell us what you were doing, if it was night or day or where he actually took you," Kris remembered. "That's something only you and the vampire who turned you would know."

"Wouldn't it have been one of the other oldest vampires in existence since Clio's so old?" Kit asked.

"No the one who turned me could have died at any time after I turned. I have to know for sure If Evel is the one who did it. I want to know."

"Clio you need to settle whatever is between you and Evel. He seems to have something against you. He wants you dead," Kris told him.

"Of course he does. Clio's a threat to Phi," Freddy voiced out. "He's one of the oldest vampires alive along with Phi, Hyde and Evel, who is allied with Phi."

"Point taken," Zac added, "but I think it's more than that. If Evel is the one who turned Clio he didn't want him to survive for as long as he did."

"He said I was an experiment," Clio remembered. "He turned me and left watching me as I struggled to survive all because he wanted to know if a newly turned could survive on their own. I had no idea he was watching me for those first five years. I never saw him."

"Do you remember what the vampire who turned you looked like?" Nightfell asked. Clio shook his head.

"It was so long ago," he admitted shaking his head. "And I was out of it from pain."

"We will have to capture Evel alive so Clio can get the answer to his question," Arthur advised as he and Freddy's sister suddenly appeared.

"Hana," Freddy startled before calming. "I didn't realize you were standing there. How long have you been there for?"

"Just a little while. I have news of Wakiya's injuries," She said sitting down next to her brother. "The slices from Evel's knife were not overly deep but they weren't exactly shallow either. The silver in his blood would have prevented him from recovering though right?"

"Yes," Clio confirmed.

"Okay so with the multitude of slices and the amount of blood that he was losing since he couldn't heal as fast as he usually would he would have died a lot sooner then what he did if he'd been human. The worst was the third degree burns."

Hana showed the gathered group the pictures she took. One was of the burns on the inside of Wakiya's throat. Another was of his tongue burned black. There was one of his stomach burned badly after the quarts dust entered it. The pictures were passed around quickly.

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