More Introductions & Questions

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Zac led his coven back upstairs and into the living room to rejoin the High Council, the Beasts and their human allies. Everyone was talking quietly and waiting for the Super Stars coven to rejoin them before introductions were properly made. The coven spread out and joined their human families. Zac and Nightfell with their parents and Freddy with his and his sister. Mick joined Bowie's dad and brothers and Shinki joined Katana with his mom and dad. Orochi leaned on the wall behind Mick with the others scattered around the room.

"Alright," Kris started taking control quickly. "We're going to start this off with introductions then we'll answer any questions you might have about us. Everyone will state their name and what they are. Since the High Council has already been introduced as well as Suoh, Mick, Zac Ben and Ghasem we'll skip us. We'll start with the Super Stars coven then we'll move on to the Beasts Pack. Who'd like to start?"

"I will," Freddy volunteered. "I'm Freddy I'm a vampire from the Super Stars coven."

They went around the room introducing everyone. It was a slow but needed process. No one seemed to care how long it took as long as they knew who everyone was and what they were. It was really for the comfort of the humans so they knew the supernaturals were trustworthy and not a threat.

"Orochi Ginba. A vampire from the Super Stars coven," Orochi stated in a calm tone.

"Akira. A vampire of the same coven," Akira went next.

"Nightfell," Nightfell stated while Zac snickered. "A vampire and the newest member of the Super stars."

Gabe was next. "Gabe former leader of the Rideout coven now disbanded currently not in a coven."

"Any reason why?" Isao wondered.

"Just needing some time away from everything," Gabe answered.

"Shinki and Katana," Shinki introduced since Katana decided to stay silent at the moment. Former Rideout vampires now Super Stars vampires."

"Ana and Fubuki," Zac introduced the last two vampires. "They're vampires from a coven that was destroyed."

Next to be introduced was the Beasts Pack. Ben of course was already known from the meeting. He quickly introduced Shu, Ken, Ghasem and Hoji the newest member of the pack and stated they were werewolves. Then it was the human's turn for introductions. Hana went first.

"I'm Hana Inoue Freddy's older sister. I'm a nurse at the hospital."

After Hana Freddy's parents Daisuke and Yuri were introduced. Katana's parents Sota and Shiori went next calmly stating they were vampire hunters. Zac's parents Hirohito and Yoko were next. Last was Bowie's family. Isao introduced himself before drawing attention to Bowie's younger brothers Raiden and Daichi. Mick noticed the young boys looking a little uneasy still. It seemed they were nervous about so many supernaturals being so close. Mick gave Daichi a reassuring hug.

After introductions questions were asked. Hana wondered about the vampires and asked every question she could think of from their feedings to their body temperatures. She also asked what changes were made during the turning process while asking about the process itself. She was really calm and respectful just really curious about the vampires. Clio answered almost all her questions just as calmly.

"We drink blood either human, animal or supernatural. We can eat human food but we really don't get anything from it. Our body temperature is twenty six degrees Celsius."

"So that would be about seventy eight degrees Fahrenheit," Hana mused more to herself than to the others in the room with her.

"Yes. We're only a little cooler than humans," Clio continued.

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