Talking of Family & Another Test

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Here's the next chapter. Sorry it's late I've been struggling with the internet to post this. Comment and or vote and please enjoy.

Bowie awoke to Freddy leaning on the wall near Mick's cot watching him carefully. Bowie's eyes barely opened and everything was blurry but he knew it was Freddy. His scent and voice reached him. At least Bowie could tell scents apart now that he wasn't as feral as before. Mick's scent was everywhere but Bowie couldn't hear him. Did that mean he wasn't here right now? If so where did he go?

"Bowie," Freddy's soft voice called to him. "Are you awake?"


"Mick's not here right now. He said he had something he needed to do so I'm going to look after you for a while until he gets back."

Bowie nodded and closed his eyes as Freddy pushed off the wall. He left the room briefly and returned with a glass of blood. Mick's blood.

"Mick left you this before he headed out. He wants you to drink all of it," Freddy told him softly.

Freddy put the glass to Bowie's lips and tipped it so the contents slowly spilled into his mouth. Bowie had almost drank half the glass before he started coughing. Freddy pulled the glass away a short distance and waited patently for Bowie to breath before resuming his task.

Bowie drank almost the whole glass then couldn't continue. Freddy frowned a bit but didn't object. He put the glass on a table near the door outside the room. There was only about half an inch of liquid still in it but Freddy figured Bowie had drank all he could leaving little behind it was enough for him.


"About...half an hour ago," Freddy paused to think before giving his answer. "We weren't sure when you were going to wake up so Mick left some of his blood in a glass in case he wasn't back before you woke."

"...D-did...he...say...wh-ere he...was...goin'..." Bowie weakly stuttered.

"No," Freddy admitted.

Bowie and Freddy now wondered the same thing. What was Mick up to? What was he doing? All Freddy knew was Mick had left quickly saying he had to do something when he'd asked Freddy to look after Bowie again.

"Hopefully he's back soon," Freddy murmured as he stood a few feet form Bowie.

After a bit of silence Freddy reached a hand out to Bowie but paused. Should he? Would Bowie let him? Bowie glanced at him through weak closing eyes. Freddy decided to chance it to show Bowie he wanted to help him and not hurt him. he reached his hand out again while watching his friend cautiously. Bowie wasn't trying to lean away from him or shaking his head no and his hand was a little less then a foot from him. Freddy took a calming deep breath and held his hand out so Bowie could smell him like Mick showed him. Without anymore hesitation he placed his hand on Bowie's chest. There was no hissing of growling. No flashbacks no nothing. Bowie simply let Freddy touch him finally.

"You trust me now too. As much as you trust Mick," Freddy whispered in relief as Bowie exhaustedly mumbled an answer. "Thank you Bowie."

Freddy backed away to give Bowie some space and leaned back against the wall by the cot again. Theyfell into silence Bowie just too weak to stay awake for much longer let alonespeak and Freddy lost in thought as to what Mick was up to. Every once in awhile he looked over at Bowie's gasping shaking form struggling to stay awake.Finally Bowie gave in and lost consciousness and Freddy breathed a small sighof relief that his friend passed out and couldn't feel much if anything at themoment.

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