A New Scent

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A few days after Phi's attack Clio, Kristina and Trad paid the Super Stars a visit. The three council members had come to discuss the incident concerning Nightfell, Mick and Phi. Zac was the only other person who knew of what had happened but hadn't been part of the incident who was currently present.

"Nightfell, Mick tell us what happened three days ago with Phi please," Kristina softly addressed.

"I was thirsty and needed to hunt," Nightfell started. "Zachary suggested I take Mick with me as he hadn't hunted in a while and he'd given Bowie his blood three times in two days. It was agreed on by all three of us. Mick and I went down to the ravine and I located a deer to feed from first as Mick stood watch then Mick hunted second."

"Did Phi interrupt the hunt at all?" Trad asked.

"No I managed a successful hunt. Mick however failed his hunt as he was distracted by thoughts of his sick friend in the basement. We spoke a little and he decided to try a second hunt. It took us some time to locate another deer but we managed it."

"Was Mick successful in this hunt?" Clio inquired with a little worry.

"He was," Nightfell confirmed. "It was just after he'd feed that Phi attacked us. I shouted a warning to Mick when I saw Phi coming and he managed to quickly dodge the attack. I rushed to his aid and while he distracted Phi I got behind him. Then I distracted him so Mick could circle around and get behind me."

"What happened next?" Kristina wondered.

"Phi attacked me with a powerful flame. Mick who was behind me by this point created an earth dome and while the flames encircled the dome Mick used a little more earth to hold the flames back and provide an escape for me and we quickly and silently left the area before Phi even realized we were gone."

"Excellent teamwork," Clio praised.

"The Super Stars coven does work exceptionally well together," Zac mused with pride.

"Mick and I worked very well together even though we've only known each other for a little over a year," Nightfell bragged.

"You didn't encounter Phi again or any of his coven while returning to the house?" Trad questioned.

"No," Mick finally spoke up for the first time.

"What was Phi doing in the ravine? His coven doesn't fed on animals," Kristina muttered.

"Maybe he was seeing if any of Zac's coven was hunting that night," Clio suggested. "Or maybe his coven was hunting in the housing unit close to Free's old hideout and he noticed Nightfell and Mick and decided to take the chance to eliminate a couple of enemies."

"The only one who knows the answer to that is Phi himself," Zac voiced out.

"I think Clio's second or third suggestion might be right," Mick said quietly. "Phi didn't seem to know we fed off animals until three days ago and he seemed disgusted by the fact. He was either hunting the humans who live near the ravine or he was looking for any of us to take out and give him an advantage in the war."

"What's important right now is that both Nightfell and Mick are safe. It could have been very different if either of you had been alone," Kristina expressed as everyone nodded. "When did you inform Zac of what happened?"

"As soon as we got home," Nightfell insisted. "He then sent the report to you."

"Phi will have to be dealt with as soon as possible," Trad insisted.

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