A battle and Bad News

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It was six in the morning of the next day. Bowie's mother, Kaiya, had been turning for twenty and a half hours now. She wasn't doing so well. Her shaking, laboured breathing and whimpers and moans of intense pain told them that. Plus there was a higher chance of her not surviving the change or getting bloodlust do to being ill. Now there was another problem to deal with. Phi.

Phi stood outside in the front yard with his coven. This was not a good time to have to deal with him. The group had someone currently turning and trying to survive and they were still dealing with the loss of Wakiya. What did Phi want now? To destroy them now while they were struggling with other things of course.

Could he actually behere to finally take what he thought was his? Was he testing how strong hisenemy was right now? Maybe he was seeing if his coven could handle the enemy attheir current power levels with a brief battle? Any of these ideas could becorrect. Still Zac had to make sure Phi didn't get into the house. This timeBowie was able to help with.

"I see you somehow managed to save the dark one from himself," Phi mused.

"No thanks to you," Zac muttered. "Wakiya's last act before his death. He'd finally gained his ability and used it on Bowie saving him."

"I see. You lost a coven member already but saved one too. More will be lost before too long though," Phi threatened. "Let's see what the dark one is capable of."

Phi struck with his fire ability but Freddy protected Zac and Bowie. He created a bubble around them. Phi glanced at him standing behind Zac. Freddy glared back.

"That wasn't foryou," Phi told him.

"Yeah but my ability isn't really intended for defending. It's more for concealing and capturing," Bowie informed him.

"Are you surrendering?" Clio asked from the door.

"No certainly not," Phi growled back.

"Then we have a battle on our hands," Clio mused.

"Clio, the vampire representative of the council," Phi stated staring the smaller vampire down.

"That's common knowledge. Everyone knows that," Clio stated.

"I know somethingelse. You were turned thanks to my brother Hyde. He's the one who turned Evel andEvel turned you."

"How do you know that?" Clio wondered frowning.

"Evel and I have talked about it," Phi told him.

"I'm still not completely convinced he turned me. But I guess now is a good time to find out. When was I turned?"

"You were turned in the year 259 AD one thousand seven hundred sixty two years ago. Age twelve," Evel stated in a matter of fact tone.

"What was I doing?" Clio demanded.

"You're parents weretravelers. Magicians they called themselves. In that time magic was frownedupon and many people were killed for simply being accused of it so your parentstraveled around to stay safe while they performed. When you were twelve they'dtraveled to a little village and settled down for a while. There was an eventon at the time. You wondered away from them while they weren't looking and Ifound you while you were looking for them."

Clio gasped in shock. His eyes widened a little. Evel was right. Clio remembered that time so very long ago. Since before he'd ben born Clio's parents had traveled around and even when he was born they traveled still. One day a little after Clio turned twelve they stopped for a while in a little village and there had been some sort of festival. Clio didn't remember the event itself he'd been too busy exploring his new surroundings to really notice.

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