Visits and A Disappearance

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and enjoy. There will be french words used in this chapter curtasey of Nightfell since he uses them in the anime. As usual I will  put the translations at the bottom at the end of the chapter. Let me know if I made any mistakes in the words or translations. French is not a language I know.

Amaya sat outside on the steps of her parents old cabin in the refreshing night air while the kids played quietly close by. The cabin was eight hours from the nearest city, the one they'd left for safety. They should be safe here she hoped. Sudden movement caught her attention. She looked off to her right and saw the familiar face of Nightfell.

"Here to tell me what's been happening lately?" Amaya asked with a smirk as Nightfell sat next to her.

"I am," he replied back with a smirk of his own and a slight bow.

For the past several weeks Nightfell and Amaya had been getting closer to each other and finding out if what they slowly realized they had was really what they both wanted. Nightfell had volunteered to be the one to tell Amaya what's been going on and bring some blood for her, Reiko and Kit once a week. Amaya on the other hand was getting Reiko used to Nightfell possibly being her stepdad.

"So what news do you have?" Amaya asked.

"Well mon chéri someone's getting prettyimpatient," Nightfell started.

"Reiko. She misses Freddy," Amaya voiced out.

"I've noticed but I was referring to Mick. From what I've heard he's made contact with some humans and Kris got really angry at him for it and demanded he stop. I think He refused and maintains he's trying to help Bowie and the rest of the coven see their families again as he feels they miss them and really want to see them," Nightfell explained.

"Has he told the humans anything about the supernatural world?"

"I don't think he has. I've only heard from Zachary that Mick's been talking to humans and that Kris got angry about it. I have yet to actually see it myself but Zachary has no reason to lie and he seems a bit distracted about it himself. If Mick keeps it up something's gonna happen."

"He needs to be careful," Amaya muttered. "Anything can happen. Anything else?"

"We're still trying to find Phi and figure out where he's been holding up but so far nothing. We know he's not staying anywhere in the city. We could have found his place of residence already if he was. We've already ruled that out. Several past friends and possibly some enemies who had died have been revived and have been spotted in and around the city. Boa hasn't woken up yet but Bowie now remembers the Super Stars and his human family. He's recovering and getting better each day."

"Any sign of Phi himself at all?"

"Non. He might be close to making a move though we can't be sure. Clio is going to focus more on researching Phi and his coven right now so we can learn more about them and find out what we're up against," Nightfell implied.

"Keep me informed," Amaya reminded him softly.

"Bien sûr."

"Is Freddy doing okay?" Reiko asked when she finally noticed Nightfell had come for a visit.

"He's doing just fine. He's been really occupied with being angry at Mick and training to beat Phi and his coven as well as helping Bowie recover."

"Why is he angry at Mick?" They young half vampire girl wondered.

"Because Mick's doing something he shouldn't be. Something that could be dangerous ma chérie," Nightfell told her calmly. "I'll tell him to take some time off now that Bowie's doing much better and come see you when I return to the others."

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