The End Of A Hard Fought Battle

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Here's the next chapter for you. Only one more chapter left to go after this one. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. Enjoy.

Phi released Silas's body to the ground. He had no need of it now. Zac growled just before Free lunged at him from behind. Free shoved Zac to the ground and managed to steal some of his energy and his ability at the same time he made that very brief contact with him. Zac rolled away from Free and Phi and growled while he regrouped with his team.

"Kris. Inform me of what happened while we were gone waking Boa," Clio requested.

"Not long after you left Carlos was taken down when he tried to attack Zac. Zac aimed a powerful attack using his electricity and it hit him directly. When he went to see if he was still able to fight or if he was down for good Carlos jumped up with a silver dagger he had hidden on his person. Zac sidestepped and twisted his arm around and the knife hit him in the stomach. Zac then forced him to drop the blade he picked it up and slit Carlos's throat."

"Ciara is upset,"Clio noticed.

"Isaac was killed. Norman got him. Isaac and Nightfell needed a break but Norman went after Ciara with a knife and Isaac came between them. He didn't realize the knife was a silver one. Norman stabbed him several times. As he was finishing killing Isaac Nightfell came up behind him and slit his throat."

"Yeah so much for not being a killer," Nightfell muttered.

"You aren't. This is self-defence. You wouldn't have done it if he hadn't been so aggressive and killed someone else first," Zac told him calmly.

"Now we're just left with the three strongest and most dangerous of Phi's group?" Clio asked.

"Yes. Phi, Evel and Free," the witch confirmed. "What of Boa?"

"We managed to wakehim. First lets see if we can take at least one more of them out hopefully twomore," Clio suggested.

"We need to take Free down and prevent him from touching Boa and stealing his ability. Boa might not have much control of his ability since this is only the second time he's used it but Free will have control of it I'm sure," Zac advised. "He might be able to use it to disable our abilities but not Phi's or Evel's."

"Good thinking. What would you do?" Clio asked him.

"I would keep Boa back and leave the last two members of the Beasts who can fight to defend in case Free gets past us. Then I'd take our strongest in to take Free out," Zac thought out loud.

"Continue," Clio insisted.

"Freddy how much energy do you have?" Zac asked.

"Not much if any."

"I can lend him a bitof energy through an energy transfer spell," Arthur offered.

"Alright Freddy keep your distance use all the energy you have and create as large a bubble as you can from the water in the ravine. Fill it with water and as discreetly as possible move it above Free. When I give you the command to, release the water onto Free and drench him. I'll then use all the electric power I have left to zap him and hopefully it will make it much easier to end Free for good. Bowie can you restrain Free from moving?" Zac turned to Bowie.

"Yeah. I still have plenty of energy left."

"Do it. Once Free is dealt with We'll deal with the other two."

"Leave Evel to me," Clio decided. "I still have a score to settle with him."

"Are you sure," Zac asked Clio. "No offence but you have been struggling with him."

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