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Here's the next chapter. Almost forgot to update. Not quite sure about this chapter. comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts.

Katana walked at his own pace down the sidewalk. It was close to afternoon and he'd gone for a walk alone to see if he could maybe find Kyo and talk to him. He was certain it had been Kyo he'd seen that day with Gabe. Something inside him told him it had been Kyo and that he was alive somehow despite Gabe telling him it hadn't been him. Katana was also certain that if he hadn't decided to do this alone he would have probably been stopped from doing it at all by the others. Though Katana hadn't seen who he was sure had been Kyo since that day he was almost sure he could find him again.

"Where are you," Katana asked quietly under his breath as he subtly glanced around for Kyo.

Katana never once paused in step as his search took him away from the area he and Gabe had walked the day Katana had noticed Kyo. He wasn't worried about where he was going he just wanted to talk to his friend again and hopefully ask him some questions. He figured since other past friends had been revived to use against them then it was possible Kyo had been too and it had been him Katana had seen with Gabe. All he had to do was search for him and find him.

He also knew he really shouldn't have gone off on his own since it wasn't safe with Phi and his group out there somewhere causing them trouble. Zac had asked him to take someone with him in case anything happened but Katana had declined saying he wouldn't be gone long. He just needed time to himself so he could find and talk to Kyo without anyone else around to prevent that. He'd even declined to bring Shinki who'd also known Kyo. He'd tell Shinki about his possible sighting of Kyo when he returned home. Maybe Shinki could and would help him. Right now though he felt he had to do this alone.

Katana soon found himself at Harmony Park during his search for his supposedly deceased friend. Well it wouldn't hurt to take a stroll through the park on such a beautiful day. Plus who knew? Maybe Kyo could be found here. It wouldn't hurt to check. Katana walked over to the nearest entrance of two at a steady unhurried pace and entered the park.

He looked around the area making it look like he was looking for a spot to sit and relax. He was really seeing if he could spot Kyo or anyone who looked like him. So far nothing. Anyone at the park would have thought he was looking for a friend if they saw him and they'd probably leave him alone.

"What did I expect?" Katana muttered to himself. "This to be easy? Why would it? It looked like he was trying to avoid being near me and Gabe. Why though?"

Katana decided to make a loop around the park then head home. So far as he headed to the right he hadn't seen any danger or any sign of the boy he was looking for. In fact there wasn't really anyone here today at all. Odd since this was one of the most popular parks in the city next to Beigoma Park near the river. Katana quietly talked to himself to distract himself from the sudden uneasy feeling he was getting. He sighed. He really wanted to talk to Kyo. He wanted to ask him if he was okay and find out how he'd been revived. He wanted to let Kyo know he missed him and that the boy hadn't been forgotten. But this sudden uneasy feeling was making him want to leave now and just go home and talk to Shinki about everything. Maybe a chance to talk to Kyo was asking for too much.

"Wait Jin and Daigo are shamans. Maybe they could call Kyo to come talk," Katana realized. "Kinda hard to do though if he's no longer dead. If they can't call him to them isn't that proof he'd been revived?"

As the young vampire realized this something caught his attention. From a group of three trees off to his left Katana thought he'd seen movement. He stopped walking and took a closer look. Yes someone was standing in the shade partly covered by the branches of two of the trees. Who?

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