Comrades Lost And One Gained

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Here's the next chapter. I wanted to post it a few hours ago but unforntunately that didn't happen. Anyway Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts and please enjoy.

Lui spun around as Phi moved in behind him to strike him down. Zac quickly fired off an electric attack at him causing him to stop his attack on the short vampire. Lui then used his super speed to move across the battle field. Bowie and Mick rushed forward as well. Hae-jin pulled the string back as tight as it would go then, making sure his arm was steady and he was locked on, he released the arrow.

Lui was faster. He reached the human boy first and pushed him to the side. The boy ended up frozen on the ground terrified. He knew the arrow had been ment for him. It had hit someone else though. Raiden looked over at whoever had just saved him. it was the blue flame haired vampire. The one called Lui. He'd taken the arrow for him.

Lui who had kneeled when the arrow hit him forced himself to his feet and pulled the silver tipped arrow from his chest before collapsing to a knee again. He knew he didn't have much time left. The arrow had missed his heart but since it was made of silver the wound wouldn't heal. Maybe if he lived long enough he could be saved? In case that didn't happen though he was taking Phi's archer with him. Clio was suddenly next to Lui as well as Bowie, Mick and the human boy Lui had saved. Carlos had backed off to avoid death as he was starting to loose against Mick and Bowie allowing them to tend to the new situation.

"Raiden what do you think you're doing here?" Bowie yelled at his brother.

"I know it was stupid. I was just curious. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. I'm scared," The boy whimpered out causing Bowie's anger to quickly dissipate.

"Bowie," Mick said softly. "He knows he did something wrong."

"I know. It's all part of being a big brother. I'm protective. Now we have to get you home. Lui thanks."

"Don't thank me yet. The damn archer's still alive."

Lui reached for Clio's silver dagger laying on the ground next to him and Clio where the older vampire had placed it to tend to Lui. He forced himself to his feet again as Hae-jin prepared another arrow and fired. The arrow hit Lui in the chest right near where the first arrow had hit him. This one also missed his heart but barely as Lui had moved a bit. Lui got close to Hae-jin within a second and stabbed him deeply with Clio's dagger before using it to cut the archer's throat.

Clio rushed forward to catch Lui who had backed up a bit before collapsing against him, his legs buckling. Hae-jin lay only a few feet from them. Clio heard him take his least breath before turning his attention back to Lui.

"You saved someone for once. What made you do it? You used to hate humans yet you...protected one."

"...I-I-I did...I used to...r-really...h-hate th-em...D-don' why...really..."

"Hey. Shh," Ana cooed as Raiden sniffled in fear of what was happening.

"No more speaking," Mick warned. "We'll get you back home and remove the silver so the wounds will heal. Save your strength."

"No Mick. He won't make it. He will die here," Clio informed. "These wounds are deep and the silver will prevent him from healing to save himself. They are also really close to his heart. If he was human he would already be dead. He's alive right now because he's vampire but it will not be for long."

"We can't just let him die," Mick said in shock.

"...N-othing...can...b-be d-done...w-eak...t-ired..." Lui whispered.

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