A Secret Kept

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Here is chapter 10. This one is more Clio centric. Comment and or vote and leave a comment. Please enjoy.

For the next while Mick didn't bring anyone new down with him to meet Bowie. Bowie wasn't in the best of conditions for it. Fubuki come down a few more times to give Bowie some relief from his fever, which went up and down, and pain.

Bowie slept most of the time but when he was awake Mick spoke to him about everyone he'd already met and the ones he had yet to meet. Bowie listened silently. He decided to finally trust Mick fully and meet all of these people Mick seemed to want him to meet.

The evening of the tenth day of Bowie's intense up and down fever someone new did come to see him the first in more than a week. The scent was female. Bowie was too tired to open his eyes so he went by just the scent.

"Hello Bowie," a feminine voice spoke softly. "How's he holding up?" the voice asked someone else probably Mick.

"He's fighting." Yes it was Mick.

"He still looks so weak. I wonder if he'll pull through."

"He can. I know he can."

"I hope so Mick."

"Bowie," Mick addressed Bowie knowing he was awake and listening even though Bowie's eyes hadn't opened yet. "This is Kris. She came to see how you were doing. She's the leader of the High Council. You knew her before all this."

Bowie opened his eyes a little. A woman stood in front of him. She looked powerful and had an air of authority about her. She was also pretty not that Bowie felt anything for her. He was just very observant despite his condition.

his eyes closed shortly after opening. He moaned to, too weak to do anything else at the moment. Mick approached him and fed him blood.

"So he's still alive and fighting, he's feeding off his coven mates now and finally letting you close enough to touch him," Kristina listed off.

"He is but he's only letting me feed and touch him he'll only let Fubuki touch him to help with his fever," Mick corrected her as she nodded.

"The fever that keeps barely leaving then returns and goes up and down," She voiced out. "So he's fighting you can get close to him and feed him but the rest of the coven can't. Yet. His shaking isn't as bad as it was but it hasn't stopped yet either and his breathing is still a bit laboured."

"Yes," Mick confirmed.

"Does he remember anything yet?" Kristina asked calmly.

"He remembers Free was an enemy and he knows and remembers Nightfell from that night with the key but that's about it."

"He doesn't remember he's an agent of the SNP?"

Mick shook his head. Bowie opened his eyes in curiosity. What were they talking about? What was the SNP? Bowie wanted to know. He had to ask no matter how weak he felt.

"...S...N ...P-P..."

"It stands for the Supernatural Protection Organization. The High Council put it together to help protect the supernatural world from humans finding out about it, panicking and trying to destroy us as well as rouge supernaturals exposing us," Mick explained. "You're a member and so am I. Zac, Freddy, Orochi, Shinki, and now Nightfell is a member too. There's also a pack of wolves. The Beasts pack."

"Have any of the Beasts been reintroduced to him yet?" Kristina asked.

"No not yet. Hopefully soon. Zac wanted to start with the Coven and Gabe first then we'd do everyone else. But then Bowie got that bad fever so we've had to wait for that to go away."

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