A Surprise on Battle Day

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Okay here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

Right now Zac stood outside on the lawn in front of the porch. He leaned his back against the porch railing as he thought about what was going to happen while the others made their preparations. Zac was leading the group into battle today. He was the one giving the orders. Clio and Kris would probably help in giving orders too but it was mostly going to be Zac. He had to be quick, cunning and careful out there if he was going to bring everyone back alive and with a victory.

As Zac waited his coven spent some time with their families. Freddy promised his parents, his sister and cousin and Reiko, who would be staying with them while Amaya was in battle, he'd return home. His sister Hana was setting up the recovery room to receive anyone returning injured. Mick was with Bowie and his dad and brothers He was promising he'd bring Bowie back with him while Bowie said Mick would be coming back with him after being saved. Orochi and Akira approached Zac after talking with Orochi's dad who told them to just be careful and come back alive.

"Everyone's almost ready. Who are we waiting on?" Orochi wondered.

"Lui to be able to break away from his smothering mother, and Kris to give us the okay to head out," Zac said softly.

"Zachary why have you not spoken to our parents yet?" Nightfell asked as he came over from where his and Zac's parents waited for Zac to come over and see them.

"Because I'm giving orders on the battle field and that'll make me a major target for Phi. He'll want to take out the one's giving orders first. I don't want to get their hopes up about me returning and then I don't return."

"Nonsense Zachary," Nightfell chided gently. "You will return. I'll make sure of that. Now go see them before we leave."

Zac sighed but followed the gentle well meaning order his brother gave. Before walking past Nightfell he murmured about him being the coven leader and joked that that was the one and only time he'd allow Nightfell to give him an order. The brothers shared a look and a smirk then Zac continued over to their parents.

"I didn't think you were going to come over," Yoko said softly giving Zac a hug.

"I wasn't going to. If I don't come back I didn't want to cause you pain."

"Why wouldn't you come back?" Yoko wondered. "You've planned for everything I'm sure. You're a good leader to our team and you've got strong allies backing you up."

"True but anything can happen on a battle field," Hirohito mused. "Do what you can and not what you think you have to do. Don't push it out there."

Zac nodded as Clio approached him. Zac nodded to him and Clio returned it. Zac also noticed everyone starting to gather together. It was time to go.

"Kris is ready to take Phi down. She needs us beside her," Clio informed.

"Right," Zac said before taking a deep breath. "Let's get this going and over with. The sooner the better."

"Zac we're all behind you today. Just follow the plan and we'll go from there," Clio assured. "There may be some surprises when we reach Phi that might result in some changes to the plan but we are strong and willing to do what it takes to win. Lead the team the way you'd lead your own coven."

"Why do I get the feeling I'm being tested for something?" Zac questioned.

"Why are you getting a feeling like that?" Clio questioned back with a smirk before heading over to Kris at the head of their team.

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