A Risk Taken

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts.

Lui waited in the darkness for his signal to enter the tower. It was night now an hour before midnight and Phi and his coven had been returning from hunting when Lui and the group had arrived. It was time to rescue Zac, Freddy and Bowie and do it in the safest way possible with little or hopefully no casualties as hard as it could be with the enemy returning. A bird chirped from somewhere above Lui and he made his move thinking they should have done this sooner while the enemy was still away.

Lui and the others had been waiting for an hour now since arriving. They had carefully concealed themselves in the darkness of the night upon seeing Phi and his coven returning and had managed to avoid detection so far. The wind blew their scents back behind them and not towards the tower and Phi wasn't expecting an attack and therefor wasn't scanning the area around the tower. Plus he assumed Lui to be dead and therefore was not on the look out for him or his new team. That was their advantage.

Lui entered the unlocked door of the tower and slipped inside quietly and slowly. He didn't want to be detected yet. Not until he reported back the conditions of Phi's prisoners and gotten upstairs where he'd leave his scent everywhere and either not be seen or would barely be seen. Lui headed for the room he knew from his thirst test was the cell room where the humans were kept prisoner. That would be where Zac, Freddy and Bowie would be kept.

The door was unlocked Lui knew it was as soon as he pushed down on the handle. He could have opened the door but someone was inside the room. Evel. Though Lui didn't know him that well he knew his scent and voice. Him being in there right now was probably why the cell room door was left unlocked. It was usually locked. Evel struck Lui as a loner vampire with too much time on his hands and Lui didn't like him. Still he doubted he could beat him in a fight. Lui would have to wait until Evel left the room. Hopefully he'd leave the door unlocked.

Lui waited for twentyminutes but it didn't look like Evel was leaving the cell room anytime soon.What was he doing in there? Something with Bowie if Lui was hearing thingscorrectly. The short vampire headed outside to report back.


"It seems like your friend here is almost ready to go completely feral again," Evel told Zac as he watched Bowie struggle to not lose his mind again from pain, weakness and thirst.

Bowie was writhing on the floor as his throat burned and he fought to not growl and hiss as his feral side tried to take control of him like it had when he'd been with Free. He went from being on his back to his right side then his left.

"Stop. Just stop," Freddy shouted with worry as he watched the horrible scene.

"Let's see how far along he is shall we?" Evel smirked as he unlocked Bowie's cell

He pulled Bowie to his feet and out of the cell. Bowie tried to attack him but whimpered and fell to his knees as Evel hit him with a mental burst that made him feel nothing but sadness. Zac and Freddy both growled.

"What did you do?" Zac demanded.

"It's my ability. I can mess with emotions," Evel explained as he pulled Bowie to his feet again. "I can make anyone feel whatever I want. Happiness, Sorrow, frustration, even a combination of emotions. I made him feel crippling sadness and stopped his attack."

Evel dragged Bowie over to Zac and Freddy's cell. He unlocked it and dragged Bowie inside shutting the door behind them. Zac figured Evel was still making Bowie feel his crippling sadness as Bowie was whimpering and shaking and on his knees now that Evel had let him go. His eyes were closed tightly, his arms wrapped around himself and there were tears.

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