A Victory

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think and enjoy. I took some insperation from a show called blade for some of this chapter. Look it up if you want to know more about it.

As Zac had hoped he and the group did arrive in time to help Freddy and Nightfell. When they arrived Free had Freddy pinned to a tree and Nightfell was dodging Lui's attacks but was becoming winded and needed a brief break to catch his breath. Mick used his earth ability to push Free off Freddy then surrounded Freddy with a protective dome. Freddy had been drained of all his energy and was now completely exhausted but he managed a weak smile of gratitude for Mick as he leaned on the quickly forming dome.


"Anytime Freddy. Just sit tight and let us finish this then we'll get you home and resting," Mick replied back.

"Mick look out," Clio shouted in warning.

Before Mick knew what was happening he was forced to the ground by a powerful blast of water. He hit the ground hard and rolled a few feet from where Freddy was protected by his earth dome. Mick growled as he got back to his feet and faced Free.

"You stole Freddy's ability," He spat out.

"And his energy," Free smirked. "Now hand over my son and the female half-breed."

"Not a chance," Silas spoke up glaring at Free as he moved to back Mick up.

"I assume you told Phi about the half vampire kids and he now wants them for his own purposes?" Clio inquired.

"I'm not telling you if I did or didn't," Free insisted.

"Very well then. I guess the only thing left to do would be to capture you and take you back to the Commons for interrogation," Clio threatened.

"Try it," Lui hissed.

"Gladly," the oldvampire responded back with a calm smirk.

Clio whistled as a hand, hidden behind his back, started glowing which went unnoticed by the rest of the group and the enemy. A heard of deer, a big bull moose, a big black bear and some wolves appeared behind Free and Lui. Rickson then changed into his grizzly bear form and prepared to attack Free from just in front of Clio. Silas positioned himself off to the right of Mick and prepared to capture Free the second he tried to get past him. Zac, Mick, Katana, Gabe, Shinki, Ana, Suoh and Fubuki all took up positions around the two enemy vampires. Nightfell was resting against the dome Mick had created for Freddy as Free had made contact with him too before he had Freddy and he was still a bit winded.

"Now will you surrender?" Clio demanded politely.

"No," Free answered vehemently.

"Very well."

Clio gave a long loud whistle and the animals all attacked as one in waves one right after the other. They surround Free and Lui and tried to force them to the ground until their controller could incapacitate the two. First the heard of deer rushed in and kicked at the two vampires and tried trampling them. Then the moose attacked striking Free first then Lui second. The wolves went third then Rickson and the black bear got their chance. The attacks were repeated again and again but never in the exact same order or way.

Despite doing a good amount of damage to Free and Lui it wasn't enough. They were both soon on their feet again, healed and ready to return to Phi with news of their failed mission. They had been ordered to capture the two half breeds not fight with their enemy. They didn't like returning empty handed and Phi didn't like failure but it was better then risking capture. Right? They decided it was. Free and Lui nodded to each other then separated and ran off. Silas and Rickson were ordered, by Clio, to catch Free since they had no abilities he could steal. The others went for Lui.

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