Fighting And A Discovery

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Here is the next chapter for you.  There are only three more chapters after this one saddly. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Please enjoy.

Akira and Ana quickly found Laban. He was standing near the tower like building alone. The two closed in on him but neither of them really wanted to fight. Akira attacked first since Laban was an enemy. Hyde was glancing over at Laban in case he had any trouble or maybe to make sure he was going to fight like he was supposed to. Even though he couldn't really use his ability yet, even after some practice with Evel, he still wanted to be of some use to his brother and their coven. It was as if Hyde was once again only a year old and just learning his ability. Laban didn't want to suffer the consequences of not fighting back against the enemy but he didn't really want to fight either. He had no choice but to.

He dodged Akira'sattack with ease then dodged Ana's just as quickly after she attacked. He drewa dagger and went right for Ana but Akira tackled him quickly. Laban foundhimself on his back under the pink haired vampire but managed to shove him offand get to his feet putting some distance between him and both his opponentsquickly.

That's when it hit. A vision. Laban's eyes suddenly went from being clear and inquisitive to being glassy with a far away look in them. He stood still just staring straight ahead of him then he spoke in a low clam tone.

"Blue and green mixed together. Yellow markings. Anger, aggression and dominance. He needs to be stopped. Another small, angry, confused. In need of support, guidance. If one dies the world will change drastically and not for the better. If the other lives the world ends. Protect one and kill the other."

After speaking Laban's eyes returned to being focused on Akira. They locked eyes, Akira's confused eyes and Laban's clear, focused ones. Laban glanced around the battle field but found no one matching who he saw in his vision. That ment his vision was for a further, future event. Who were those two he'd seen? He didn't think they were human. Were they from the supernatural world?

"Remember what I toldyou," Laban told Akira calmly. "It's not for now. But sometime in the future. Ican't say when. I might not be around to help you though."

"I'll remember. And Zac will too."

"I don't really want to fight you and I don't think you want to fight either. If you don't then don't. Go back to your side and don't let Phi or Evel see."

On the other side of the battle field Kris, Arthur and Ciara were facing Theodore. They were trying to beat him quickly but he was trying to quickly overpower them just as much. It wasn't easy. The three magic users had numbers but Theodore had more power and was putting up a good fight. He refused to go down easily.

"We have to keep going," Kris encouraged. "We have to win this."

The other two nodded and the team doubled their efforts. After a couple more hours though Ciara became exhausted. Her magic and energy were too depleted to continue. She quietly made her way away from the battle for her safety.

Jin and Daigo were tag teaming Ren who was standing his ground. Even though Jin had Ren's spirits from when he was alive. Jin gathered the spirits he could from around him, his and any others in the area and brought them to him proving he was more than a worth adversary for Ren.

"Are you ready to give up?" Ren taunted quietly.

"No. We have to win," Jin shouted at him. "We have to beat you?"

"Come at me with everything you've got," Ren challenged.

Rickson, Orochi and Amaya were trying to take down Kurt. The red-tailed hawk shifter was a tough opponent. When he attacked it was quick and fierce. He would use his talons, wings and beak to cause whatever harm he could to the group. Then he'd fly up out of range of their attacks quickly and or dodge their attacks just as quickly circling around above them waiting for an opening to attack them.

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