A Disappearance

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Here is the promised chapter. Comment and or vote and tell me your thoughts. I tried to be accurate on the date stuff.

Note: I can't remember if I had Clio state in this story or any of the previous two stories whether or not he ever found the vampire who turned him. I tried going back to look for Clio ever making that statement but couldn't find it. If anyone knows if i ever had Clio state if he ever found the vampire who turned him could you let me know or point me to the story and or chapter the statement was made in that would be great thanks. I have soemthing planned for this story and just need to know.


Phi walked at a steady pace towards his destination. He was headed towards Evel's lab to discuss something with him. Almost three weeks ago Free and Lui had returned from a mission. A mission they had failed. After the failure Free informed Phi of two other vampires they could revive. Laban, who could see the future and Xavier, who's ability was he was amazing at hand to hand combat. Two possibly strong and useful vampires to add to their army. Two more vampires they could use to defeat and possibly hurt their enemies.

Phi had taken sometime to think about adding them. If he did it would mean taking more time totrain them and test their thirst and learn what they were capable of but it wastwo more vampires with power and maybe they could benefit him in other wayswith their abilities even if they didn't face the enemy in battle? Or hinderhis plans for domination. They'd not gotten what they wanted with Free and Lui.They'd failed their mission to get those two half breed kids. Maybe these othertwo vampires could help the coven get those two half vampire kids if Phi hadthem revived? Plus they'd been friends with the enemy. so they could also beused to hurt them even more?

"Welcome Phi," Evel greeted when Phi had entered the lab. "To what do I owe the honor."

"Free informed me of two other vampires to revive and add to our ranks. I've been thinking about it and have decided to give them shot."

"Who is Hyde reviving?" Evel asked.

"Laban and Xavier. Laban can predict what would, could, should happen, which could benefit us, and Xavier was the best at hand to hand combat, which again could benefit us. Maybe they could also be scouts or distractions too."

"I'll inform Hyde right away," Evel offered.

"No need. He alreadyknows. I'm telling you so you know they'll be added to the training schedule.Our recent failure was unnecessary and not tolerated. No more failures will betolerated from here on out. Free and Lui have already been punished now it'stime to step up our game, defeat the enemy and take what's ours. No morefailure. I do have something I'd like for you to do for me though."

"What do you need?" Evel inquired.

"That vampire on the High Council, Clio I believe is his name. I've been keeping an eye on him for a while now."

"Makes sense since he's on the council and an enemy," Evel mused.

"He's become a realthreat to us. Not just because he's on the council and cannot be persuaded tojoin us. He's powerful and he's been researching us trying to figure out who weare, what we're capable of and what he can do against us. He needs to be takencare of sooner rather than later."

"I will see if I can deal with him shortly. If he's alone it should be easy," Evel told Phi confidently.

"Have fun," Phi saidback leaving the lab.


Kris stood just at the entrance to the Commons with every council member gathered around her. The council had been asked to attend another meeting with the humans to discuss the hopefully possible coexistence. It had been three weeks since they'd had to rescue two of the Super Stars and so far Lui and Free hadn't been seen again since. None of the enemy had been seen so Kris figured they would be okay to take time out from the war to try for an alliance with the humans. Clio was not attending tonight's meeting as he had research to do on Phi since he couldn't locate Free or Lui and force them to talk.

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