An Argument and A second Test

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Here's the next chapter for you. As usual comment and or vote and enjoy.

It was dark out and very late but this was the best time to do this. No one knew he was here and he planned to keep it that way. It was eleven PM way past the nine to eight visiting hours but he knew that. He'd planned on coming to see her after visiting hours but no one could know about it. Not yet at least.

Mick carefully slipped into the hospital and past the front desk unnoticed. That was the hard and most frightening part. Now to get to room four quickly and without being seen.

"Kaiya," Mick whispered quietly as he opened her room door, slipped inside and closed it as quietly as he'd opened it.

Mick walked over to the woman laying in the bed. She was asleep again just like the first time he'd come here to check on her. She was just as pale and still looked so incredibly frail. He wanted so badly to have her see Bowie again even if it was just one last time.

"Kaiya. My name's Mick. I don't know if you can hear my but I wanted to let you know Bowie's with me and our friends. I think he wants to see you and talk and maybe come home but he can't. It's not safe. I can't tell you much more but I can tell you I'm trying to make it so Bowie can see his family again even if it's just one more time."

Mick paused and listened for any nurses or doctors approaching the room. He couldn't get caught. That wouldn't be in anyone's best interests. So far he heard nothing indicating anyone was checking in on Kaiya anytime soon. He turned his attention back to the woman in question. No change.

"I promise I'll take care of Bowie. I just want him to see you before it's too late. But it's not really up to me. I can only try and hope things go the way I'm hoping they do."

Mick knew he had to leave and soon or risk getting caught. He had an excuse if he was caught but he really didn't want to use it. It was best if he left as quickly as he'd come to avoid any complications to his plan and any danger. Bowie probably missed him a lot right now anyway.

"I have to go now butI'll be back to check on you again. Right now though Bowie needs me."

Mick headed towards the door to leave. He listened with his advanced vampire hearing for any sounds indicating someone was close to the room. He heard a couple familiar voices he didn't know were there as he hadn't seen anyone at the front desk when he came in.

"Hana. I didn't expect her to be here. She must be doing a nightshift tonight. Janell's here too," Mick thought to himself.

He cautiously opened room four's door and checked down both ends of the hallway twice. Then he quietly and quickly slipped out of the room and quietly shut the door behind him. He silently crossed the hall to the other side and pressed himself against the wall and checked the open waiting area. Janell was at the front desk tonight and Hana was with her. They were chatting with each other quietly since it was a slow night tonight. They both looked so happy and it was obvious they'd been friends for a while since they talked about everything and anything with each other from what Mick could hear.

Mick slipped into the area and around the many plants and pillars towards the entry way in and out. He was a few feet from the exit but the front desk was a few feet away as well. Mick looked over to the desk. Janell was leaning against it with her back to him. She must have been heading back to the desk from somewhere and Hana was either watching it for her or had caught her attention to chat. Janell wouldn't see him with her back facing him. Hana was the problem.

She was leaning her right side on desk with one arm laying on it and the other one making gestures as she spoke. She was also facing towards where Mick was currently hiding. If he made for the exit now there was a good chance she would see him. No he had to wait for the right moment to sneak away.

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