Appearances and More Remembering

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Alright I'm back after a long month off. Visit my profile to read the reason for my absence. Here is chapter 19 comment and or vote and do enjoy.

Many days passed with more and more reports of long dead comrades being seen alive again came in. Ren had been spotted four more times by Jin, Gabe and Freddy. Kurt had been spotted by Trad, Zac and Suoh and Fubuki. Freddy had thought he'd seen Quon once but couldn't be sure and the Beasts pack had reportedly caught his sent many times which confused them.

"Kris we need to see about locating Ren, Quon and Kurt and capturing them for the safety of both the humans and the supernatural," Trad suggested placing a sheet of paper with a report of Kurt in front of his leader.

"I know. We need to make sure everyone stays safe and our world stays hidden."

"Kris," Clio spoke up from a book he'd been looking through. "We should try to capture at least one of them alive and dispatch the rest."

"Why?" Trad asked him. "If they're a threat we should be eliminating all of them."

"We need to know who revived them," Clio insisted. "They could tell us if we can force them to talk."

"Clio's right," Kris said from where she'd been deep in thought until Trad had spoken to her. "If the enemy revived them we need to know who from Phi's coven did it so we can be prepared to face them head on if need be. If it was someone else unaffiliated with Phi we need to know who it was and prevent them from reviving more of the dead and exposing the supernatural world and or starting an alliance with Phi and his group."

"I'm wondering if it is someone from Phi's coven," Clio muttered. "We've looked through every spell book we have here and can't find a single spell to revive the dead, Jin reveled shamans can't revive the dead but can a vampire have the ability to do it. I have searched but haven't been able to find anything on if vampires can gain such an ability."

"Clio are you thinking it could be a vampire?" Trad asked the oldest council member.

"Maybe. Kris what about that book you said you've been looking for for a while now?... Kris?"

"Kris?" Trad called to the witch gently as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry I was thinking about other things?"

"What's on your mind?" Clio inquired as he approached.

"Phi's been really quiet lately. Revived comrades of been seen, and we're not even sure it's him, and Bowie's condition doesn't seem to be improving very much. It's continuing to go up and down."

"Leave Bowie's condition to me and the situation with Phi and the revived is not solely your responsibility. It is the council's as a whole," Clio told her.

"You're right," Kris said after a bit of thought. "Thank you Clio."

"Anytime. Now back to business. Did you find anything on that book you were looking into?"

"Yes. But finding it isn't going to be easy. It's called the Book of Dark Spells. It's got a lot of powerful spells in it all of them are forbidden since they're as dangerous as they are powerful. It was written long before most of us were born but Clio you might have been around before it's creation. It was written by a rouge sorcerer and his dark witch mistress."

"Where is it right now?" Trad asked her.

"I'm not sure. The last person known to hold the book was a former acquaintance of my grandfather's but he passed away and never confirmed if he had it or not."

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