Worsening A Bit

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Here's chapter 7. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts. Please enjoy.

The next day Mick entered the recovery room to visit Bowie again with Nightfell right behind him. Bowie was not doing well. He seemed a bit worse than he was the night before. Eyes closed, body shaking, breathing laboured. Mick kept the light low and closed the door after Nightfell entered before approaching Bowie. Bowie's eyes stayed closed even as Mick got closer. Mick reached a hand out to Bowie and placed it on his chest slowly and gently. Bowie's eyes opened a little and he whimpered before closing them again.

"This isn't good. Where are you hurting Bowie?" Mick asked softly.

"...E-very...w-where..." Bowie mouthed out without a sound.

"Bowie hang on. I'mgoing to go get Zachary," Nightfell stated with great worry.

Bowie barley even acknowledged what had been said as Nightfell rushed out of the room. He returned a minute later with Zac. Bowie didn't really react to Zac until he tried to touch him.

"Okay. Shh. It's alright," Zac told him after he'd managed to hiss at him weakly.

"He still struggles with someone touching him except me," Mick revealed.

"He lets you touch him? Since when Mick?"

"Since now," Mickanswered. "Last night I shook him out of whatever was going on with him aftermeeting Nightfell he didn't like me touching him at first but when I went tosee him last night a while later, alone and felt the heat of his body I triedto check his fever and he let me. Then today I tried touching him again and helet me."

Zac nodded before turning back to Bowie. He was barely awake now. Zac felt the need to tell Clio about Bowie's condition and see if he had any advice for them.

"I won't touch him right now. I know he won't let me even if he's sick and weak. I'll inform Clio of the brief progress made and of Bowie's condition."

"What caused it?" asked Nightfell.

"I don't know but Clio might. Let's leave him be until we hear back from Clio," Zac suggested turning to leave the room.

"Wait. He needs to drink," Mick insisted.

"Mick I don't know if he can," Zac told him.

"Can we try? Can I try?"

Zac thought about it for a while. Bowie's eyes were closed right now and he was shaking and hot and very weak and tired. But if he didn't drink would he survive until Clio arrived? Would Clio be able to come quickly? If Bowie did drink would he be able to keep it down? It wouldn't hurt to try. Would it?

"Okay. Try quickly," Zac decided.

Mick nodded and sliced his wrist before moving closer to Bowie. Bowie's eyes opened a little bit but he could barely lift his head. Mick offered him his wrist.

"Bowie can you try and feed for me? Please."

Bowie only moaned. He was too weak to shake his head. He didn't make even one little move to drink. He didn't open his mouth and he didn't bite down on Mick's wrist.

"Bowie please drink."

"...C-an't..." Bowiebarely mouthed out.

Mick left the room for a few minutes and returned with a glass of blood. He held it out to Bowie who barely acknowledged it.

"Bowie please."

Bowie managed to force his eyes open again. The desperate sound of Mick's plea made him want to try and feed but he was just so weak and tired he didn't think he could. Their eyes locked. Mick's desperate brown and Bowie's weak exhausted red.

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