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Here is the 11th chapter. Sorry it's a little late there was some problems with updating it but it seems to have sorted it's self out. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts and enjoy.

Note: The next 2 updates will be on Saturdays instead of Fridays due to work.

Phi sat in a chair in front of a computer monitor in a closed off room only he, his brother Hyde and Evel had access to. The computer was showing live footage of his strengthening army training hard for his takeover. He smirked. Everything was going according to plan. As he watched his coven's training he thought about his enemy.

"I wonder just how strong they truly are," he mused to himself. "I think I'll go test their power for myself here soon and not just two at a time like that little encounter before. That was just for fun."

Hyde came into the room at that moment. He didn't knock or speak but Phi knew it was him by sent alone so he didn't have to. He turned in his chair and locked eyes with his younger twin glaring.

"You're late."

"Sorry I was doing more of my own training and forgot I was supposed to be here," Hyde replied back.

"Just monitor the coven from here and make sure they're not skimping on the training regime Evel planned out for them," Phi ordered rising from his chair.

"Where are you going?" Hyde asked him as Phi passed him to leave the room.

"I've decided to pay a visit to our enemies and test their power for myself. I'd like to know why Free lost to them and disappointed me so badly. I might even see about finally getting my hands on that young dark haired vampire they have. The one that's feral. If I don't return by evening let the coven go hunting without administering the thirst test."

Hyde didn't respondbut Phi didn't expect him too. He just stared at the computer monitor watchingfor weakness and lack of training. Phi left without another word to him.


Mick awoke in his usual place in the corner of the recovery room on his cot. He'd been here now for several weeks helping Bowie and making sure he was staying alive.

So far he'd not worsened since about two and a half weeks ago but he also really wasn't recovering very well either. His fever was finally gone thanks to Fubuki but he was still so weak and tired and the bloodlust wasn't getting better either.

Mick looked over to see Bowie was still out. His eyes were closed but not as tightly as they had previously been. His body still shook but not as violently. His breathing was still quite weak, quick and shallow. Mick got up and walked over to his still sick love.

"Bowie. Are you awake yet? It's time to feed."

Bowie moaned a little and struggled to open his eyes. They opened about halfway and were a very bright blood red color. They closed soon after as Bowie fought to stay awake.

"Fight it Bowie. You have to feed or you'll get worse again," Mick encouraged softly.

"...Tired..." Bowie mouthed out as his eyes opened again and he turned his head in the direction of Mick's voice.

"I know you are but you need to feed. Do it for me. Please."

Bowie nodded once as Mick came closer slowly so as to not startle him. Though Bowie now fully trusted Mick and let him get close and let him touch and feed him he didn't like fast or sudden movements. Mick held out his hand to Bowie who smelled it before letting Mick place it on his chest.

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