The Super Stars Remembered & A Test Failed

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Here's the next chapter for you. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

Gabe and Katana walked at a steady pace enjoying the warm day. It had been a few weeks of no sightings of Phi or his coven and Gabe had decided he and Katana could use a little air while Shinki took a needed nap and it was a good chance for Gabe to ask Katana how he was doing since becoming a vampire and to see what's been going on since he left.

The duo walked down the street for a few minutes in silence with no real destination in mind. Gabe looked around keeping out of people's way and Katana glanced at the ground and often looked up in front of him to see where he was going. Gabe thought Katana looked a little lost or down. He seemed to be lost in thought.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

"A lot," Katana replied.

"Care to talk about it?" the older vampire offered.

"First off. You left me not to long after you turned me. I had to learn everything from Zac instead of the one who should have been teaching me. Now you come back. Trying to reform Rideout?"

"No. I'm done with the whole coven leader stuff. I'm not Zac. He's a better coven leader than I am. Secondly I left you with Zac cause I needed to figure out who I was. Was I Gabe Bruni a struggling team leader or was I the other Gabe. The one who was so unsure of his life among other things at the moment."

Gabe had to be careful with what he and Katana spoke about since there were people out and about everywhere. Katana realized he shouldn't have mentioned the whole Gabe turning him at least not at that moment. So far it didn't look like they'd drawn any attention to themselves.

"Zac knows who he is. I wasn't sure. I didn't think I was the right person to guide you. That's why you learned from him. He did a good job too."

"Did you miss us at all?" Katana asked. "Is that why you came back?"

"I did miss you and Shinki. I miss Lui and Kyo too. I decided to check on how you and Shinki were doing. That and Zac contacted me about Free saying he could use my help. I didn't know if I was going to stay afterward though. I still wasn't sure who I am. Who I'm supposed to be. Than Phi showed up and I figured you could still use my help."

"Will you be staying?"

"Maybe. If I do I'm not playing anymore leader roles. I'm done with leader roles."

Katana nodded as he and Gabe continued walking. Gabe glanced at the younger vampire from the corner of his eye. He still looked like he was lost in thought.

"Keep talking Katana. What else is on your mind?"

"Just missing Kyo. Missing my parents who turned out to be something else entirely," Katana said knowing Gabe would get it.

"Come on lets find a spot in the park to talk," Gabe said leading Katana into Harmony Park. "It's a large area with less of a chance of being overheard."

They walked over to the pond but there were a few groups of people there so they looked for a more secluded spot. Gabe finally found a suitable spot. It was several feet from the pond, there was no one close enough to over hear them and there was also cover to keep them from human eyes in case emotions ran rampant.

"What was that about your parents?" Gabe questioned.

"My parents turned out to be vampire hunters Gabe. They decided not to tell me but Shinki found out and wanted to talk to me about it but before he could I found out. If I'd known they were hunters I never would have turned."

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