A Rescue & Some Moments

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Hello readers. Sorry this is a tad bit late. I was going to post it earlier instead of now when the day's almost over put i had to work. My update schedual maybe changing from Friday's to saturdays or sundays as my work schedual is changing. I'll now be working from Tuse to Sat at my job and it's overnights. I'm also going from part time to pretty much full time now which i really need. Don't be surprised if the updats come later then they have been.

Lui waited with Clio and Nightfell outside the tower hidden by a bush for the next couple hours before going back inside. It was now decided he'd head straight upstairs and start a distraction. Clio gave him a small nod and he quietly snuck back into the tower and upstairs and headed for the nearest door. He opened and then slammed it shut then quickly ran through out the tower opening and slamming doors and tackling or pushing anyone he came across.

"Hey losers. Long time no see. Catch me if you can. Or dare."

He had everyone on his tail now except for the coven's three leaders and Theodore. Hopefully he could keep them distracted long enough for the rescue to occur. At some point Quon, a wolf Lui knew from before his death, appeared in front of him. Lui smirked and with a chuckle sped past Quon who quickly turned to face him.

"Let's see what you've got dog," Lui chuckled.

Quon growled. He madeto punch the short vampire but Lui dodged so Quon went to kick him. Lui wasquicker though and pushed him backwards towards the stairs leading down fromwhere they were to the living room area. Quon was up quickly but Lui pushed himagain. Quon was a few inches from the stairs and when Lui pushed him this time hewent backwards past the stairs and down them. Lui continued his distractiontactics while Quon lay at the bottom of the stairs out cold with everyoneignoring him.


Mick and Jin entered the tower and joined Nightfell and Clio once Nightfell waved to them from the entrance. They all entered the cell room and Nightfell immediately set to work with opening the cell with Zac, Bowie and Freddy while Mick watched anxiously.

"Bowie. Is Bowie okay?" he asked Zac.

"He's hanging on," Zac responded.

Zac was kneeling next to Bowie who was laying on his stomach with his head laying on his arms and Zac's hand on his back to show him he was there. Bowie's head lifted at Mick's voice his eyes barely opened. His breathing was shallow and fast. Bowie lowered it again when his strength ran out and Mick finally noticed Freddy laying on his back facing away from the bars.

"What did they do to Freddy?" Mick asked with great concern.

"...M-me..." Bowie whispered.

"You?" Mick asked him as he nodded once weakly. "What happened?"

"Evel put Bowie in with us hoping he'd attack. Bowie fought so hard to not do it but Evel went after Freddy drawing his blood. As I fought to restrain Bowie Freddy decided to simply let Bowie feed to help him hang on until you guys came for us. He let Bowie take what he needed and it left him like that. We weren't sure when you were coming," Zac explained.


"Got it," Nightfell said as the lock clicked.

Mick opened the door and rushed to Bowie's aid while Nightfell moved on to the next cell. Zac let him take him and support him. Mick pulled a barely conscious Bowie close to his chest. Bowie's eyes didn't open but he responded to Mick by reaching for his hand showing he was still awake.

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