Shared Moments & Spying

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Here's the next chapter for you. Sorry it's late exahustion from late night working. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Enjoy.

Hyde and Norman were taken down into the basement. Gabe maintained Eye contact with Norman the whole time. Even when they had reached the basement and Norman stood at the end furthest from the stairs Gabe held eye contact. Kris asked everyone to gather in the basement before she Mick and Bowie had disappeared for a while. They soon joined the others in the basement.

"You okay?" Mick was asking Bowie.

"Yeah just dealing with the aftermath of mom not making it right now."

"What's going to happen?"

"Dad's dealing withall that but we did have to move her somewhere else. Once the whole thing withPhi is dealt with I'll let you know."

Mick nodded as he placed a comforting arm around Bowie before they turned their attentions back to the problem at hand which was what were they going to do with their hostages. Clio and Kris spoke softly with Trad while everyone else waited. Hyde was being restrained by Rickson since Freddy's bubble was gone now that he had no more energy left. Hyde wasn't able to break loose but struggled and tried to anyway. Gabe had Norman still under his control.

"It's a good idea,"Mick heard Kris tell Clio.

"Phi would for sure try to attack the house to get Hyde back if he remains here and we can't have him succeed. We can also restrain Hyde much better at the Commons too. Norman we can keep here and see if Phi decides to come for him or not," Clio insisted. "I Think Phi would most likely try for his brother first though."

"What if Hyde somehowmanages to escape the Commons or Phi gets in, finds him and releases him?" Trad asked.

"I have an idea," Clio smirked. "Gabe. Can you make Norman use his ability to erase Hyde's memories?"

"I can."

"Make Hyde forget who his brother is. Make sure no memories of Phi remain in his mind. We'll also make him forget everything about his ability too. Then Hyde will be taken to the commons to await his execution after the war," Kris ordered calmly.

Gabe gave Norman theorder to use his ability on Hyde so he would forget Phi and the coven andeverything pertaining to his ability. Norman approached Hyde standing near therecovery room with Gabe maintaining their eye contact the entire time. Rickson heldHyde firmly as he doubled his efforts to escape with Gabe standing beside thegrizzly shifter. Norman put a glowing hand to Hyde's forehead. Hyde struggled his hardest against the shifter holding him still butcould not break loose. A few minutes later he went quiet. He was released andfell to the floor unconscious.

"Does everyone you use your ability on loose consciousness when you use it?" Clio asked.

"Answer the question," Gabe ordered.

"Yes. It's a side effect of their memories being erased," Norman told him.

Isaac escorted Clio to the Commons with Hyde to make sure the small but old vampire remained safe. There was no telling what Phi would do to get his brother back. No one was going to chance leaving Clio alone.

"Everyone stay on guard please and watch each other's backs," Kris gently ordered. "We don't know what Phi will do next and we need to be ready for anything."

A little while later Clioand Isaac returned. Clio informed everyone Hyde was properly restrained and assoon as the war was over he would be properly dealt with along with Phi andEvel. Afterwards Clio and Kris talked privately about something.

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