A Visit from Clio

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Here's chapter 3. Comment and or vote and tell me what you think.

Note: Slowly started working again after not having work for a while. I'm trying to keep the update schedule the same (every Friday) but I can't guarantee it. If i can't update on Friday it'll be the day before or after Friday.

A week after Bowie had started trying to speak again Clio paid a visit to the Super Stars coven to see the progress that had been made with him so far. His visit had been unexpected but welcomed and Mick, who was just about to go down and see Bowie, led Clio down to the recovery room to check on him.

"He still hasn't woken up yet," Mick said gesturing towards Boa as they passed his bed.

Clio took theopportunity to check Boa out. Though he wasn't a doctor of any kind he couldtell if a fellow vampire was stable or not and despite not being able to wakeup Boa was quite stable.

Mick only nodded at that little bit of information Clio told him as theyquietly entered the recovery room. Mick turned the light on to a low setting asusual and approached Bowie who had turned his attention to them as theyentered.

For the past week Mick, Freddy and Zac had been discussing how to employFreddy's idea of helping Bowie recover at least some of his memories of hislife for after he had met the rest of the coven. They hadn't yet started theprocess of reintroducing Bowie to the coven. Clio had requested to see himfirst after he had had some time to settle in and calm down. After hearing hewas trying to speak Clio really wanted to check on his recovery. Of course hewas a council member and was a very busy vampire. He had his council duties aswell as researching ways to help Boa wake up and helping Bowie recover from hisordeal even when he wasn't around the house. Clio had only just now managed tocome see the young vampire he was assisting in the recovery of. Zac also wantedto give Bowie a little more time to adjust after all the info Mick had beengiving him lately.

"It's Mick Bowie. I came to see how you were and to give you blood to relieve your thirst a bit."

Bowie kept his stillred eyes on Mick but made no attempt to attack him. He didn't hiss or growl todayeither at least not at Mick. It was a different story when Clio tried to approachthough. Bowie gave off a low threatening growl at the unfamiliar scent but knewhe couldn't get loose to attack. He sensed power from the new presence nearMick.

"He seems to no longer see you as a threat to him. That's good. It is possible he might actually trust you. That might be the key to saving him."

It was at this time when Clio had stopped just behind Mick that Bowie growled angrily at him. He wanted this one, who radiated great power, away from his simi trusted ally and made it known with his growl. He didn't want this other vampire he didn't yet know near him or Mick. Even though Bowie didn't fully trust Mick yet he was the only one who came down regularly to see him and he didn't want him hurt. Bowie didn't want to be alone again if something happened to Mick.

Bowie almost saw Mickas a full and trusted friend. He was slowly becoming familiar and friendly withZac and Freddy but Mick was different. He was there every day sometimes twice aday if Zac let him and he stayed as long as he could. The others didn't comesee him as often and didn't stay as long with him as Mick did. Bowie preferredMick to anyone else. Was that why he didn't want him harmed or was theresomething else to it?

"Shh. Bowie it's okay. Calm down. It's just Clio. He's the vampire representative of the High Council. He's the reason we have such a good chance at helping you," Mick said in a soothing tone calming Bowie. "Clio's not a threat. He's trying to help."

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