Attacks & Assistance

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Phi sat in a room on the forth level of the tower. The rest of his group minus Hyde and Evel weren't allowed past the first three levels so they didn't know about this room. They only knew of the infirmary, which was also on this level but rarely used. Being in the infirmary was the only time anyone but the coven's leaders could be on this level.

"Damn that council and their allies," Phi growled as the stab wound in his left side burned a bit.

The dagger had gone deep and it had been a silver one. Phi would need to feed to finish purging the silver from his body in order to heal. On top of that Ranjiro had been injured too. Phi would have to make sure he fed too since the dagger that hit him had also been made of silver. The younger vampire had willingly taken that hit for him. Ranjiro was proving to be a very loyal follower of Phi even going as far as to take a silver dagger for him.

"Phi," Evel entered the room.

"How is Ranjiro?"

"He's stable but he needs to feed. Should I use one of our captive humans?"

"No Ranjiro and I will leaving shortly for blood," Phi decided as he got up and headed out of the room.

Phi found Ranjiro in his room clutching at his injured left shoulder. He was in the company of Aiger and they were both growling. Ranjiro in pain and Aiger in anger that his best friend had been injured. Phi knocked to gain their attentions.

"You made a brave choice today. We may have lost our hostages. Again. But we gained some insight about our enemy today. They've gotten stronger then they were before and have proven they will stop at nothing to defeat us. We also now know the power levels of many of them. Now you must obtain blood to heal and continue removing the silver from your system."

"It's still light out," Aiger noticed.

"Yeah it's only late afternoon."

"Surely your not afraid of sunlight and the humans already know of us. Plus the longer you wait the more you will suffer."

"He's not going out there alone," Aiger protested. "Not in his condition."

"Then you can go with him," Phi granted. "Just return to the tower in a couple hours."

"Got it. I know where I'm going anyway," Ranjiro revealed.

Phi left the room withoutreally acknowledging what Ranjiro had said. He didn't really care anyway. Aigerhelped his friend up and they headed off to get Ranjiro the blood he needed torecover. Phi went in a different direction then them. Surely he didn't need tosupervise them he thought to himself as he took notice of the rain stopping.


Aiger and Ranjiro walked down the sidewalk in a neighborhood that was all too familiar to the blonde. He'd grown up in this neighborhood with his brother and parents. That was where he was going. To the childhood home he'd lived in before he became a vampire. He was going to pay a visit to his brother and get what he needed from him. That'll teach him for leaving him that night when he needed him the most.

"So where're we going?" Aiger asked.

"The place I lived in when I was human. I have a brother. He was with me the night I was turned. He ran off screaming and left me there that night."

"I remember. I was there," Aiger recalled.

"I figured I'd pay him a little visit and let him know I'm alive and better than ever then I'll pay him back for that night by draining him so I can recover."

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