An Encounter for Mick

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Bowie awoke still very tired and weak. He kept his eyes closed since even trying to open them took energy he didn't think he had at the moment. He listened for movement to let him know Mick was awake but he heard something that didn't sound like Mick.

It was the same sound he'd heard the day Freddy had brought his acoustic guitar and spent the day with him and Mick. Freddy was with them again. There was something else. Soft singing. Freddy was singing.

This song. What was it about the song that drew Bowie to it? What did it mean? Did it have a meaning? Why was Freddy singing it?

Bowie decided to open his eyes for just a little while. Everything was blurry when he did and he felt weaker and more tired. His head also still hurt a bit. But Freddy was still singing the song and for some reason Bowie liked it. He wanted to hear it. He wanted to know more about it. he wondered why he got the feeling he should already know it?


"You're awake," Freddy sighed looking a little worried as he locked eyes with his sick friend. "Why what Bowie? What are you trying to ask?"


"The song? The one I was singing just now?" Freddy asked as Bowie nodded once weakly. "It's called Believe. You and I wrote it shortly after the Super Stars formed."


"I was hoping you might remember it."

Bowie looked over to where Mick had been sleeping but he wasn't there. He wondered where he was. Had he stepped out of the room just briefly? Was he getting him blood? Bowie didn't feel well enough to fed though. How long had Mick not been in the room for? Was he okay?

"Bowie Mick's not here right now. Zac said he needed some air and asked him to go outside for a while. Mick asked me to look after you while he was gone. I think he went for a walk. Despite Zac saying he should stay close I think he went to Harmony Park. He'll be back soon I'm sure."

Bowie only nodded a little. As long as Mick was oaky everything was fine. Bowie didn't need him around all the time really. It was only for comfort. Freddy sat on the same chair as the day he'd spent with Bowie and Mick. He'd brought it closer to Bowie and started playing soft cords on the acoustic. After about a minute his soft voice filled the room again.

"I remember when it was just us starting out.

Life was simple then and I hoped it would last.

Those times are long gone and there's only hardship now.

The peace and comfort we once knew is now only in the past.

Now everything is so cold and dark but I believe we'll make it through and find our spark."


Mick walked a great distance from the house to Harmony Park alone. He hadn't really wanted to leave in case Bowie woke up but Zac had insisted. Mick had finally given in and had asked Freddy to look after Bowie for him to which he'd agreed.

Zac hadn't actually told Mick to leave the house and go anywhere. He'd simply told him to go outside for a bit of air. Once outside through Mick had decided a walk was a good idea. It would help him think through some things. Now here he was at Harmony Park leaning against a tree by the pond thinking about everything going on right now, the war with Phi and Bowie's condition, and what he himself stood to lose, Bowie.

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