Noticed Revival

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Here is the next chapter. Sorry it's a little late I ment to post it earlier in the day. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

"Okay Jin calm down," Kris urged as she approached the young shaman leaning on the wall near the hallway to the door. "Come. Sit down and breathe."

Kris led Jin to one of the couches in the living room and had him sit down. She noticed he was shaking a little as well as being out of breath. Kris turned to Trad and spoke quietly to him. He nodded then left the room to do what she'd just asked him to do.

"Jin we're going to get everyone to gather in the living room here. Then you can tell us what's going on."

Jin nodded mutely. The witch sat on the couch next to him and helped him to further calm down. She looked over to Mick and Clio who had just come up from the basement.

"Kris what is the problem," Clio asked.

"We're not sure yet.Jin came running into the house panicked saying something about Ren but it washard to understand. Just give him a little time to calm down while Trad gatherseveryone else up."

"I thought I heard he saw Ren alive," Mick voiced out.

"All Trad and I heard was Ren's name mentioned," Kris replied softly.

Mick sat on the couch on Jin's right while Kris sat on his left side and Clio stood next to Mick. Jin was still shaking and had obviously been scared by something. Mick talked to the shaman quietly as Zac and the others started entering the room. It took Trad a few minutes to get everyone to the living room before realizing Freddy, Suoh and Fubuki were still unaccounted for.

"I'll go get them," Zac offered. "I know where they are."

Out in the back yard Freddy was on his knees gasping for breath. He had been training with Suoh and Fubuki for the past hour and a half and it had been intense. He'd managed to over power Fubuki but he and the blonde had both lost to Suoh easily. Suoh had even had them team up against him at one point.

"...Damn...Mick...was beat..." Freddy gasped.

"My ability is I create illusions by expanding my aura outward. But you have to remember they're just illusions as real as they look and feel. It is hard to tell what's real and what's not with my ability," Suoh informed.

"You' real...control of it," Freddy complimented.

"Freddy, Suoh, Fubuki everyone's needed inside right now," Zac called as he approached them.

"What's the problem?" Suoh asked.

"Jin from the High Council. Something's got him really rattled. Kris wants everyone gathered in the living room so he can explain what's up."

Jin was much calmer when Zac returned with Freddy, Suoh and Fubuki. He wasn't shaking anymore and his breathing was slower but he was still not happy about something. Zac stood next to Clio near the couch Jin sat on while Freddy stood behind the couch near Mick. Suoh and Fubuki sat on the second couch. Everyone went quiet as Kris addressed the unhappy shaman

"Jin. Tell us what happened."

"I went for a walk to check out the area and make sure Phi and his coven weren't causing any trouble. I was a few blocks from the house when I saw something more like someone that shouldn't have been possible."

"Explain," Kris calmly encouraged.

"First off everyone on the High Council can agree Ren Wu Sun died three years ago when we took Lui down right?" Jin asked.

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