A Meeting & A Test

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Here's the next Chapter. Comment and or vote and as usual enjoy.

Mick was down in the recovery room with Bowie and Freddy. It was early evening the day after he and Zac had started the meeting planning and so far Isao hadn't contacted them yet. Maybe he'd do it in the morning? Or maybe the meeting wasn't possible? Mick noticed Freddy watching him from the wall near the door as if he had something to say.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing. Bowie's waking," Freddy told him noticing movement from their friend.

Bowie's eyes opened. Mick hadn't heard him moan as he'd been so lost in his thoughts. Bowie's eyes found him then Freddy. Freddy decided to ask Mick something he wanted to know at that very moment.

"Mick do you think it's possible to see my sister and parents again? Do you think we can coexist with humans?"

"That all depends on one thing," Mick said back.

"...What...?" Bowie asked quietly now that he was fully awake but still a bit tired and weak.

"This meeting happening. Kris wants to know what I told the humans. She also wants to make sure they're not threats to us in any way, shape or form. This is what I wanted so I really hope everything works out. Then Kris will decide if it's okay for you to see them."

"I know I've been irritable and angry for the past while," Freddy started but Mick interrupted him.

"I know. You were scared. For the safety of your human family and for our safety. I know you want to say sorry but I'm the one who should be apologizing. I should have done this a little better but I wasn't thinking. All I was thinking about was you guys seeing your families especially Bowie."

"You were trying to do something nice for us and I lashed out and didn't believe it was possible."

"You saw what I refused to see. That this could be dangerous. I should have listened."

"If you can't have contact with these humans how will you know if the meeting was set up or not?" Freddy wondered.

"We'll know," Mick assured him. "We'll know."

After some silence Zac came down stairs to give Boa blood. Not long after he gave Boa his drink a shrill ring rang through the basement. Zac reached for his cell phone in his back pocket. Then entered the recovery room.

"Hello," He answered.

Mick waited to hear what was happening. Zac listened carefully. He responded with a yes from time to time He thanked the caller then hung up the phone. He looked directly at Mick.

"The meeting went through. It's in three days at the hospital, room four. Not at the time we really wanted though."

"We can't do it at midnight?" Mick asked as Zac nodded. "So when then?"

"Ten thirty. Hana is going to make sure all the visitors are gone and make sure you and Kris can get past the front desk. She and Isao will be there waiting for you. Now I'm going to go relay this to Kris so she knows."

"'Kay. Thanks for helping with this Zac."

"Don't thank me yet. Thank me when the meeting is through and Kris makes her decision."

"So only Mick and Kris are going to this?" Freddy figured out.

"Yeah for now. If Kris deems these humans safe at least Bowie can find closure with his parents. We'll see about everyone else after."

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