Discussions, The Hospital and A Challenge

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Here's the next chapter. As usual comment and or vote and let me know what you think.

It had been almost a week since Mick's silent and secret vigilance of Bowie's human family. The High Council were gathered together at the Commons to discuss the revival of their friends issue again and why and how it was possible. Everyone was worried but they looked and acted calm for the sake of getting things done.

"I believe Phi is somehow responsible for their revival," Clio insisted calmly. "He either found a sorcerer or a witch or it could be possible one of his vampires has the ability to do it and he had our friends revived for his own purposes."

Kris still wasn't sure Phi was responsible for the revivals since she could find no revival spells in any of the many spell books she looked through. Even if Phi had revived Ren, a powerful shaman, Ren couldn't revive the dead. Who had Phi gotten to revive Ren in the first place? If Phi had a rouge sorcerer or witch did they have a spell to revive the dead? Could someone have found the Book of Dark Spells? Was there even a revival spell in it? was it possible a vampire in Phi's coven had the ability to raise the dead? Kris didn't know any of the answers but she needed to find out.

"Then why haven't Theodore, Lui or Free been revived?" Trad asked in a tone that suggested he was finished with their enemy and this issue.

Clio noted Trad also seemed to be distrusting of him. That was to be expected especially since Zac and Kris both knew he was hiding something from everyone. Clio wondered just how many others knew he was hiding something.

"Who says they weren't revived?" Arthur countered Trad before Clio could say the same thing. "Just because we haven't seen them doesn't mean they weren't."

"If they had been revived someone from our side would have seen them by now and they would have been reported," Trad responded.

"Unless they were ordered to not be seen," Clio suggested.

"Lui had bloodlust when he died surely he'd still be draining humans the way he was before his death. Wouldn't he? Free was also quite power hungry and unafraid of any consequences of his actions. There is no way he wouldn't be out causing some sort of trouble for us. Theodore is the only one I can see not being seen," Trad expressed.

"I can see Free not being seen," Silas voiced out. "He caused us a lot of trouble before he was killed but when he didn't want to be seen or found he wasn't. Remember?"

"Silas is right about Free not being seen and I can see Theodore not being seen since we hardly saw him while we were battling Free. What about Lui though?" Kris interrupted.

"Lui had bloodlust when he died. Would he still be affected by it if he was revived?" Silas asked Clio."

"I am not sure. This is the first time I have known anyone to have been revived especially a vampire."

"If he is still affected by bloodlust how is Phi keeping him hidden?" Kris wondered out loud.

"There is still the possibility they haven't been revived," Rickson stated.

"Continue," Kris urged.

"Free was turned by Phi and showed he was disloyal to him. He left his coven, went on his own, and probably would have gone against Phi eventually for his own ambitious need to be in control if given the chance to. Why would Phi revive him and chance him doing that and taking control for himself?"

"For power," Trad replied. "Free was a powerhouse and Phi could need him to take over the world."

"Enough to risk Free turning on him?" Rickson wondered.

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