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Here is the chapter I promised. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Please enjoy.

Note: the next chapter will be on Friday.

It had been just over a month now since Phi's last attack. Zac decided to try to finish up the whole Bowie meeting everyone thing as quickly as possible. Now instead of spending three days introducing Bowie to someone's scent it was one day than Mick would take the scent's owner down to meet Bowie for two days than go down alone for a day and repeat with the next person. Zac figured he was probably rushing things but Bowie needed to meet everyone and get acquainted with them as quickly as possible so they could help him recover better and faster and Bowie could rejoin the coven easier.

Right now Mick hadKatana and Zac with him. Bowie was already familiar with Zac but this was thefirst time he and Katana were meeting since Bowie had been rescued from Free. Bowiehad already met Orochi, Akira and Nightfell. Katana wasn't scared he knewBowie. The real Bowie. He knew that boy was still in there somewhere and hewanted to help find him.

"Hey Bowie," Mick greeted warmly.

Bowie's eyes opened. He saw Zac over by the door just closing it and a young vampire standing beside Mick. Bowie smelled the air. There was Mick's scent and Zac's. Who was the other vampire though? For some reason Bowie recognized his scent a bit as well as the second scent on him. He realized this unknown vampire should've been known to him.

"Bowie this is Katana. You knew him before everything with Free happened. You were once worried about him back when he'd been human and Lui had been alive and threatening him and others. When he turned, you were there to help him adjust to being a vampire."

"Ka-ta-na," Bowie whispered his voice still weak since he was still recovering.

"Hi Bowie. I got worried about you since you've been so sick lately. We were friends before and we can be again. Once your better."

Mick held Katana'shand up in front of Bowie. Bowie caught the scent Katana gave off again,stronger now as well as the other sent on Katana. Shinki who Bowie had also alreadymet. It was his scent on Katana? Why? And why was Bowie worried for Katana andwhy he had another's scent on him?

'because you knew him from before,' a voice inside his head said.

Mick cooed softly to Bowie as he placed a hand on his chest before backing away to see how Bowie would react to Katana without him standing right beside him. Bowie didn't growl or hiss he seemed interested in Katana. That was a good sign.


"You smell Shinki on me don't you? He was with me last night. We have with each other what Mick wants with you and I want to help him get that so you have to remember us."

"It's good to see Bowie reacting to Katana so well," Zac mused as he and Mick watched.

"Yeah. I think Bowiewants to remember the coven. He want's to get better. He want's to remember heloves me," Mick responded.

Katana wasn't afraid to interact with Bowie. He didn't seem to be too feral if feral at all. His eyes were a mix of blood red and dark brown but that could be fixed. His breathing was still laboured and he was still weak and struggling but he didn't seem so bad or dangerous. Was he really? Katana wanted to find out.

"Bowie do you remember anything about me or Rideout? Anything at all?" Katana asked him.

"Umm," Bowie moaned shaking his head.

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