Talk and Training

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Here is the next chapter. let me know what you think. Thanks.

The next afternoon Mick did come back down to see Bowie. It was two in the afternoon many hours after he'd left him last night. Why had he stayed away for so long? He said he loved Bowie. Did he really? What had he been up to for so long? What was going on right now?

"Hey Bowie. I'm back," Mick said as he entered the recovery room.

Bowie sniffed the air like he always did when anyone came into the room and realized Mick wasn't alone. Who did this other scent belong to? It seemed somewhat familiar to him. He'd smelt it before but not recently. Why couldn't he remember the owner of the scent clearly?

"Sorry I didn't come down to see you sooner. Zac said I needed to stay away for a while and let you have some time to think. He wouldn't let me come down here until just now. I have Freddy with me right now. He wanted to see how you were doing."

So the new scent wasFreddy? Bowie was a little familiar with him. He was a vampire from the SuperStars coven. His own coven supposedly. Freddy was still a stranger to him though.He and Zac both didn't come down as often as Mick did. Was Freddy friendly? Didhe and Bowie get along at all? Bowie was about to find out.

"Hey Bowie," Freddy said softly from a distance. "Mick says you're trying to speak now. That's good. You don't remember me yet but I'm a coven brother. You, me, Zac and Mick we were the original Super Stars. Then Orochi joined us followed by Akira. Then Shinki and Katana joined us after Rideout disbanded."

Another new name. Rideout. Who were they? Where they another coven. He vaguely remembered Freddy had said a minute ago or so that they'd disbanded and two of them had joined the Super Stars. Bowie wondered if Rideout had been friendly with the Super Stars beforehand or if the two who'd joined did so simply because the Super Stars were the only coven around. Why join if they hadn't been on good terms though? Safety reasons maybe?

"...R ..." Bowie tried saying.

"Yeah they were another coven of vampires but they had two humans until one died and the other turned," Freddy said in the softest tone Bowie had ever heard. "Does he know? Did anyone tell him yet?" Freddy asked Mick quietly.

"Bowie Gabe's back. He left after Lui was taken down by the council. I want you to recover so you don't have to die like Lui from Rideout did," Mick expressed.

"...G ...?"

"He was Rideout's coven leader. He might join the Super Stars like Shinki and Katana did but he says he's done with all the leader stuff," Freddy voiced out.

"Kinda like you when Zac left you in charge last year while he and Bowie went on that mission together," Mick chuckled sadly at the memory.

Bowie cocked his head to one side. His eyes held confusion. A mission? With Zac? Last year? Had that happened? If it did when? Where? Why?

"You and Zac went on a mission together before Free took you. You two make a really good team. We all work well with each other," Freddy tried reminding him.

Bowie only shook his head. So he knew Zac before Free held him prisoner? They made a good team? Was it possible he really was a Super Star after all?

"Right now you don't remember but you will," Freddy assured him.

"Zac has decided it's time for you to be reacquainted with the rest of the coven now that you're trying to speak. Slowly of course," Mick softly told the bound vampire before him and Freddy. "Every day for a few days I'll bring a scent to you. For the next few days afterwards I'll have the owner of that scent with me. Then on the last day of the week it'll just be you and me. This'll hopefully help you remember everyone and maybe even yourself. We'll do it slowly and continuously until you remember everyone again."

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