Feelings and An Idea

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Here you go. Another chapter. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

A couple more weeks went by and Mick was down in the recovery room with Bowie who was now fully staying awake. He was still very thirsty with bloodlust but Mick or any of the other vampires around him were always there to assist. They were all being careful with helping him ease his burning thirst but not to worsen his bloodlust and make it even stronger then it currently was, they gave him only what he needed, blood, and they gave it to him only twice a day now. Sometimes if he desperately needed it he'd get it three times but not very often. They only gave him enough to overcome his burning thirst and hopefully start getting it back under control.

"Mick," Bowie heard Freddy call softly before he entered the recovery room. "Zac wants you to go out with Katana, Shinki, Suoh and Fubuki to hunt. It's been four days since you last fed."

"Kay. Will you stay with Bowie? It's almost time for his evening feeding."

"Yeah. I'll stay with him for as long as you need me to."

Bowie had learned from Mick that the couple weeks or so he hadn't seen Freddy for had been because Freddy had been injured. Bowie was glad to see him well again but wondered what had happened to him as he hadn't been told what had happened only that Freddy had been injured and was resting.

Zac soon entered the room not too long after Freddy had. He addressed Mick first and told him to get ready to go hunting, unsure if Freddy had told him yet or not. Then he turned to Freddy. Zac glanced at Bowie, who's eyes were bright red, before turning back to Freddy.

"Isao really wants to see Bowie and soon. He's still quite sick but he's restrained and unable to get to him so I think it'll be okay for him to come down briefly and see him. Keep him at a distance and let him talk to Bowie. Maybe it'll help him recover faster. Maybe don't let him see Bowie drink though."

"You sure?" Freddyasked as Zac nodded.

"We should. Maybe if Bowie responds to his father well his little brothers can come down and briefly see him sometime soon," Zac said before addressing Bowie. "Bowie While Mick's out hunting we're going to bring someone new to see you. You knew him before you were a vampire but haven't seen him in a long time."

Mick came back into the room, having left briefly to prepare for his hunt then he, Zac and Freddy left together. About five minutes later Freddy returned. There was another scent with him but the owner didn't enter the room with Freddy. Bowie's eyes which he'd closed in thought opened in slight confusion. This scent was familiar to him. But he couldn't place it? Was this the person he'd known before he was a vampire? The one he hadn't seen in a long time?

The scent was male and they were human. Wait a minute. He remembered this scent now. But it couldn't be. He wasn't supposed to know about vampires. Bowie knew that. But hadn't Mick told him the humans had found out about them? That they'd been exposed by their current enemy? Yes he had so maybe they were supposed to know now. Bowie felt a bit of anger and unease build up followed by uncertainty.

"Hey Bowie before he comes in here Zac suggested you feed. Will you let me feed you quickly or do I need to get the glass for you?" Freddy asked.

Bowie usually only let Mick feed him directly but Freddy hadn't once tried to harm him and he spoke in a calm friendly tone. Maybe now was the time for Bowie to trust Freddy more? He let Freddy approach him and place a hand on his chest like Mick did while Feeding him.

"Why is he here?" Bowie whispered.

"Phi exposed the supernatural world to the humans," Freddy told him.

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