A Small Victory

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Nightfell followed Kyo back the way he'd just come from. Once they got to the living room Kyo motioned for Nightfell to stop. He did and Kyo glanced into the room to see the same three people Nightfell had seen when he'd silently slipped through the first time.

"I'm going to go over with them for a bit. Wait for my signal then quietly slip past and meet me at the stairs to the ground level."

Nightfell nodded and watched as Kyo entered the living room. He went to the little kitchen area instead of directly over to the trio. Nightfell soon figured out why?"

"You're awake after all," Theodore mused as he noticed Kyo enter the room.

"Just needed some water," Kyo told the man. "Then I'm turning in."

"Aiger said you were going to bed," Theodore said.

"You talked to him. He's a jerk. His friend too," Kyo responded.

"You might want to be careful. You're not the highest ranked here," Ren warned though he said it in a soft tone.

"I'm probably the lowest ranked," Kyo agreed. "Anyway it's time for bed. You guys aren't turning in yet?"

"No why would we? It's only nine," Quon told him.

"Whatever. Stay up all night if you want but I'm turning in unless you have other questions for me."

By this time Kyo had approached the group he was between Quon and Ren. Nightfell waited for his chance to get past. Soon enough it came. Two of the three revived seemed to close in on Kyo who now had their undivided attention.

Quon moved closer staying off to the boy's left and Theodore moved closer from the right. Ren stayed where he was and wouldn't join the other two in ganging up on the defenceless boy. Kyo looked in the revived Shaman's direction then moved a little towards the little bit of wall on his left side close to the t.v submissively backing up against the wall for a little space between him and the two revived he seemed to have really angered. He looked directly at Nightfell making it look like he was just avoiding the eyes of the two gaining up on him.

"I don't think you should be talking to us like that," Theodore advised coldly.

Nightfell thought about stepping up and helping the boy but that would only alert the trio to his presence and jeopardize his mission to save Katana and Jin. Plus it seemed Kyo had purposely put himself in this position to get Nightfell past these three.

Nightfell locked eyes with Kyo who made no indication of the vampire's presence but the brief look in the boy's eyes told Nightfell to go. He silently moved into the room and carefully but quickly slipped past the group. He moved around the corner and waited to see if Kyo would be okay.

"Your right. Sorry. I guess I over stepped my boundaries," Kyo pretended to back down.

Theodore then backed off and sat back down in the chair he'd been in. Ren simply ignored the boy but the look he sent Kyo made the boy think he knew something was up but he didn't say anything. Was he trying to help or was that look something else. Quon however didn't seem to inclined to let Kyo go that easily.

"Really?" he directed at the other sorcerer. "He needs to learn his place."

"I don't think it'd be wise to harm him. Phi might not be happy about it," Theodore warned Quon. "Seeing as how he looks after the hostages."

"Yeah who else could he have to also look after things here and do all the useless boring things no one else really wants to do? No one else is up for the jobs he does," Ren voiced out to get Quon to back off and leave the boy alone.

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